27 Mar
27 Mar
10:53 p.m.
Hello guys !
Thanks to the answer from bulia byak (See http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/FAQ#Q:_I.27m_on_Windows.2C_and_comma... )
I compiled Inkscape under MinGW-Win32 using the good options to make the command line interface work under windows, just as Bulia wrote in the FAQ.
Now it works as expected.
I put my customized build to the following URL :
executables only : http://gillou.cjb.net/research/files/inkscape-Win32-CLI-0.43.zip
sources and executables : http://gillou.cjb.net/research/files/inkscape-Win32-CLI-devel-0.43.tar.bz2
Makefile rule to transform Inkscape SVG file to EPS format : %.eps : %.svg $(INKSCAPE) --export-eps=$@ $<
Best regards,