On Wed, Oct 10, 2007 at 01:56:41PM -0400, Martin Owens wrote:
Hmm, Layer style sheet... It lets me thinking of print style. Define the object color/line width/transparency for printing, I think like autoCAD plot settings.
It is really useful for circuit diagram, or assembly illustration, etc.
One of the problems with inkscape is that to ensure the styles of each element it specifies every style property in every object. this would have to be changed to have styles work their way up from layers or even the svg as a whole.
Not quite, as you can set fill and stroke to be inherited in the dialogs, and then it derives those styles from higher up the hierarchy. Additionally, if you pull style information out through the XML editor, unless you reset the style, Inkscape won't try to force them back in. I use layer/group level styles all the time within Inkscape, and it works great for what I want to do.
One of these days, in my copious spare time, I'm going to try to write a script to pull out all the properties Inkscape automatically adds, and another to push common styles up the hierarchy so I can stop having to do it by hand :)