28 Mar
28 Mar
12:01 p.m.
Sun, 28 Mar 2010 13:28:45 +0530 Abhishek Sharma <spyzer.abhishek0@...400...> kirjoitti:
but what i also noticed was that, at implementation level the _doc2dt was not a matrix but an array of size 6 and if logically seen as matrix -> _doc2dt has 3x2 dimensions, so i didn't quite get as to how it can be an identity matrix, but still...
This is a common trick in 2D graphics. A 3x3 matrix can represent combinations of scaling, rotation, shearing and translating for 2-dimensonal images. However, none of these operations modify the third row of the transformation matrix, so only the first two rows are stored and the third row is assumed to contain (0, 0, 1)
Niko Kiirala