On Feb 5, 2008 1:33 PM, Joel Holdsworth <joel@...1709...> wrote:
Hi All!
I'm in the process of getting together a blueprint for a fillet tool that I'm drafting: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/SpecFilletChamfer. I'd love to get some discussion and feedback going. I've got a couple of questions that I'd like to discuss at the bottom, and I'd like to hear people's feedback.
My question is, does this deserve to be a tool? Is this a so much needed operation as to be on the main toolbar? I can see it will be handy to do this via a tool, with interactive radius rounding. But then, it can be fitted into Node tool as well, and would probably be even handier there because it's a typical node editing operation. Or, it can be done as a command, or LPE, or some combination. So why a tool?