I just read your nice interview at groklaw (http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20050130002908154). First of all, this is really exciting, but I wonder if you could write up more about what is needed of Inkscape for this new format. I see in your interview you note that there is a needed filter for Inkscape, but it is not clarified what this means. I'm cc'ing the Inkscape development list about this. I just wonder how this OpenDocument format (the newly standardized open office xml format) relates to Inkscape and what you are asking to be done.
Or do you want a filter that say one has an SVG file, then one can convert that to an OpenDocument file. I don't think that would be difficult. But, what about OpenOffice support for the SVG file format?
Please copy me and/or the Inkscape-devel list and I will make sure they get the response. Or, please reply to me and the list if you are on Inkscape's list.
Thanks, Jon