On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Nicu Buculei wrote:
Jon Phillips wrote:
I just read your nice interview at groklaw (http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20050130002908154). First of all, this is really exciting, but I wonder if you could write up more about what is needed of Inkscape for this new format. I see in your interview you note that there is a needed filter for Inkscape, but it is not clarified what this means. I'm cc'ing the Inkscape development list about this. I just wonder how this OpenDocument format (the newly standardized open office xml format) relates to Inkscape and what you are asking to be done.
first: the OpenDocument format is something like 99% identical with the old OpenOffice.org format.
i'm not sure what was Daniel idea, but i'll speculate: OpenOffice.org Draw files are XML and very similar with SVG, probably this is why Daniel expect such import filter to be not to hard to develop.
BTW, Daniel, you forgot to mention in the Groklaw article that OpenOffice.org file format is supported also by Scribus: http://www.scribus.org.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=arti...
Or do you want a filter that say one has an SVG file, then one can convert that to an OpenDocument file. I don't think that would be
i think he want the other way around: Inkscape to be able to open OpenDocument files (probably the ones made in OOo Draw)
I've investigated and experimented with creating a converter that would enable support for the OpenOffice format in Inkscape. The code appears to already exist in OpenOffice, although it would be some trouble to extricate. However, this problem could be easily addressed if OpenOffice could provide a cmdline script to run their SVG export extension. I.e., a sxd2svg. Given that, we could easily add support for this file format to Inkscape.