On Feb 1, 2012, at 1:06 PM, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
2012/1/21 Tim Cuthbertson <tim@...2743...>:
- is there any interest in extending the extension loading mechanism
to support loading extensions across all $XDG_DATA_DIRS? Presumably this would be implemented for _all_ data types (gradients, icons, etc) as well as just extensions.
There is some interest (as in, "we need to do that eventually") but I think no one is actively working on it at the moment.
So if you want to lend a hand there, that would be a big help. Especially on OS X, there are some hardcodings left in our code that cause a fair bit of headache. If you'd like to get started on that, I do have some notes here and there related to more of what needs to be fixed.
Oh, and to highlight the problem... much of what you're seeing wrong in the code comes from legacy C coding back in the days before Inkscape proper, when macros ruled the land and 'puters ran on dinosaur treadmill power.