On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 06:16 -0700, jtaber wrote:
First, does anyone else who cannot make it have any good slides they would like us to show at either the booth or BOF ? Especially on advanced features ?
Josh, I know you were trying to get some folks at Deviant Art to let you display some of their stuff -- were you successful?
- Let's remember to bring a digital camera this year to post some booth
photos (I'll try to remember to bring mine).
Will do.
- Any luck with drawing tablets ?
No :( I'll send another e-mail to see if I can get a response...
- Does anyone have a 19" monitor ? If Wal-Mart still has them on sale
for $199 maybe I'll get one.
I'll e-mail Gareth and see if he's got PCs for us. If he does, I think they'll come with LCDs.
- our BOF is scheduled for Sat night 19:00 - 20:00. Shall we plan our
dinner for Fri or Sat after BOF ? or both :)
Probably Saturday would be better for me. I'm thinking after the BOF. Places, places, places. I was thinking about maybe doing someplace a little more casual. That way we wouldn't need a reservation and we could invite people at the BOF and just move tables around. There is a place that I like called "El Segundo Fish Company" that I think would fit the bill. What does everyone think?
- We need to turn in our list of booth (free pass) volunteers. So far
it looks like Ted, Josh, and myself. Anyone else coming ? Jon Cruz ? Ted, did you need a booth pass or do you get one as a featured speaker ? Josh, does your wife need a full pass or just an expo pass ?
I've gotten Hillery to commit to helping us out on Saturday, so she'll need a pass. I'll send all her other info off list. I don't need a pass.
I'm still trying to convince Bryce to come... ;) Bryce, it's just down the coast... if you don't want to fly it should be a pretty short canoe ride! :)