Hello all,
We are a bit in an empasse with respect to the Spanish translation of our press release (http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/index.php/Conference_2007_Press_Release)
I want to ask if someone has the time to translate the first part of the press release (not the second with the descriptions of the programs).
It would be even better if we had a list of Spanish computer and graphic art magazines (email addresses) to send the translations to.
We want to fire up the press release on sunday night, after the official LGM website is online.
I really apologise for asking that lately, but I really thought someone else had taken care of it.
If you don't have the time, please don't mind. We are the beggars here :)
Many thanks!
Louis LGM 2007 organiser
p.s. Sorry for sending this twice to the Create list.