On 04/24/2014 10:52 AM, su_v wrote:
On 2014-04-22 17:11 +0100, Ryan Lerch wrote:
Just trying to get a go on this item in the release schedule [1]
""" Identify remaining writing needed for Release Notes. """
Is it safe to start taking the release notes, and expanding them out further?
Are all the features / bugfixes we want to document listed on the wikipage[2]? Or are there some that still need to be added?
Here are a couple ones missing:
Prefs > Interface:
- NEW: option for dockbar and switcher style (icons, text, icons & text)
(bug #1098416)
Prefs > Interface > Windows:
- NEW: optionally don't save & restore documents viewport (bug #928205)
Prefs > Behavior > Steps:
- NEW: unit selector for steps (move, scale, inset/outset) (bug #170293)
- NEW: option for relative snapping of guideline angles (rev 10307)
Prefs > Behavior > Clones:
- NEW: optionally relink linked offsets on duplication (bug #686193)
Prefs > Input/Output > SVG output
- NEW: optionally enforce relative or absolute coordinates (bug #1002230)
Tools > Text tool, Dialogs > Text and Font
- NEW: lists fonts used in the current document at the top
- NEW: select all text objects with same font as current selection
- NEW (to be verified): support list with fallback fonts (CSS2)
Dialogs > Rows & Columns
- NEW: renamed to 'Arrange'
- NEW: polar arrangement (separate tab)
Document Properties > Page > Display:
- NEW: optionally disable antialiasing (bug #170356, interface partially
Thanks su-v!
I have added points for each of these to the wiki already. (just need to flesh them out now)
cheers, ryanlerch