Before we all worry too much about specific details of the font, we should probably be clear on how we want to use it first:
1.) Is the trademarked slogan supposed to be translated at all? 2.) Is the font supposed to be used for anything else than for the slogan "Draw freely." ?
ad 1.)To my understanding, any translation will loose its 'trademark' property (not sure, though). Translating the web site for German, I never considered to translate the trademarked slogan... (only in parentheses, as an explanation - it would have sounded off, anyway, to me). The words can be understood with even the most basic set of English vocabulary. ('Draw' and 'free' are among the first words students learn at school.) I personnally don't see a need to translate it, and would rather like to keep the trademark / authenticity.
ad 2.) For the question about how the font was planned to be used - CR, did you plan anything for it? Or was this just intended for the 'Logo' portion?
Am 01.10.2015 um 16:13 schrieb Krzysztof Kosiński:
It seems to have Latin-1 coverage only. It doesn't have Polish letters except ó and Ó (missing: ĄĆĘŁŃŚŻŹ ąćęłńśźż), Cyrillic, or Greek. It does have ß, ™, æ, œ, ð, þ, §, ½, €, ¢, «, », ×, ÷ and a few other glyphs.
The font was made via a Kickstarter campaign and it seems it doesn't have any "official" home, so I'm not sure how these glyphs could be added. On the other hand, at least it doesn't have a nonsensical cursive glyph for ł.
2015-10-01 12:55 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre.prokoudine@...400...>:
On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 6:31 PM, C R wrote:
And the winner (by quite a bit, actually) is Euphoria Script!
I guess I missed all the excitement. But does it have glyphs for anything other than Latin and extended Latin?
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