On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 12:55:17PM -0400, bulia byak wrote:
On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 20:24:29 +1100, Peter Moulder <Peter.Moulder@...38...> wrote:
I've just added an explicit #include <libxml/xmlerror.h> to io/xsltstream.cpp (the only source file to mention xmlErrorPtr according to grep).
Does it now compile for you?
Nope because my libxml/xmlerror.h does not have xmlErrorPtr.
$ rpm -q -a |grep libxml libxml2-2.5.11-1mdk libxml2-utils-2.5.11-1mdk libxml2-devel-2.5.11-1mdk
The ChangeLog of libxml2 suggests that 2.6.0 was the first version to have xmlErrorPtr.
I've consequently bumped the required version in debian/control and configure.ac. Can you please test that configure now fails, before upgrading your libxml2 ? (You may subsequently like to test that it does compile after upgrading libxml2...)
Btw, libxml2 2.6.0 was released 2003-10-21 according to its ChangeLog. gtk 2.4.0 was released in 2004-03-xx. Any objections to requiring libxml2 >= 2.6.0 (given our requirements of gtk, gtkmm etc.) ?
(I didn't write any of io/* other than the added #include statement, so I don't know how hard it would be not to require 2.6.0, short of postponing our use of io/libio.a.)