On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 17:17 -0300, bulia byak wrote:
On Apr 5, 2005 5:02 PM, David Christian Berg <david@...407...> wrote:
and Enhanced Stroke
However Adobe Illustrator seems a little restrictive about it... I'd do this with percentages of stroke width or absolute values... A stroke at 50% offset would be a path just outside around the shape. 0% would be the current default, with half the path on top of the shape and the other half outside the shape. -50% would set the stroke being right inside of the shape. Values of more than (-) 50% will result in a gap between the stroke and the shape.
What prevents you from using linked offset, designed specifically for this? (Which AI does not have, btw, to my knowledge.)
Hmm, ehm, nothing really. Nothing at all, I just wasn't all aware about this anymore. Thanks for pointing this out to me again! The only drawback is that you can only adjust it manually. What we'd need is an extra toolbar when an offset is selected, where you can specify the offset distance. Furthermore playing around with it it creates some weirdness (parts of strokes, where they don't seem to belong). Is this a know issue?