Hello, I took a quick look at Kjell Ahlstedt's statement that he will cease to maintain gtkmm and other such modules soon. Before I write him to find out what's happening, I would like to get a few ideas from any of you what you want to see in gtkmm so that I can write a letter that is worth reading.
For context about me, I am just getting back into C++ after a 20-year hiatus and am in the process of reviewing latest developments in the language. I have written an introductory tutorial series for Inkscape, so I have a decent feeling for how to use it so I can talk with you about it intelligently (I hope).
My basic idea is that, if Kjell wants to move on from gtkmm, might it be worth our while to step in where he leaves off? Might there be other options? I speak naively because I am new to this particular arena of software development and yet am interested in contributing to Inkscape's good health in a meaningful way.
I appreciate and salute all of you who are doing all this work for Inkscape and for all those graphic artists who desperately want to learn, improve, and realize their creative potential with this powerful tool. Your thoughts and perspectives are more than welcome.
Best wishes for the early Spring,
Roy Torley