My feeling is that we'll need to go the tweak tool route: a "major tool" selected in the side toolbar, and a "minor tool" selected from the secondary toolbar.
Maybe that would be ok. Actually it could be quite a nice workflow: e.g Select 4 nodes with the node edit tool, click fillet, context toolbar shows fillet controls allowing radius to be selected numerically etc., and at the same time a set of handles on thin-blue-line-previews of the fillets allowing the radius to be chosen interactively.
Then what? I suppose we could put a button marked "Apply" on the toolbar to finalise the geometry change caused by the tool. And another button marked "Cancel" that will back out to normal node editing. So in this scheme, the fillet toolbar would become a sort of modal sub-bar.
Any thoughts on that? Joel
On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 13:18 -0800, MenTaLguY wrote:
On Wed, 6 Feb 2008 16:42:33 -0400, "bulia byak" <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
So we seem to be at a crossroads right now. With lots of new functionality on the horizon, we need to decide on the general approach we prefer: either multiply tools but leave each tool narrowly focused; or, limit the number of tools but broaden their capabilities, inventing some way to fit it all into the controls bar (e.g. by making it two-line when necessary? or adding tool mode switches that show/hide some controls, kinda like is done in Tweak tool?)
What do others think?
My feeling is that we'll need to go the tweak tool route: a "major tool" selected in the side toolbar, and a "minor tool" selected from the secondary toolbar.