On 27/02/2012 03:29, Michael Wybrow wrote:
I have a copy of the Python-packages.dmg but this doesn't work with the python version in Lion (OS X 10.7.x) anyway. I believe that we need to update the build script to package up a version of lxml and numpy built specifically for Lion.
Numpy does not need to be included for Lion (nor for Snow Leopard): it already comes with the system python version [1].
(See also 'Note III' in http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/38204: for the app created on Lion with the additional lxml module for Python 2.7 included, I did edit the launcher script 'Resources/bin/inkscape' to allow the 64bit inkscape build on Lion to launch the default system python (Python 2.7 64bit), instead of forcing it to fall back to Python 2.6 in 32bit as workaround to be able to use the modules from Python-packages.dmg.
To build the lxml module for Python 2.7, I did follow the instructions from http://lxml.de/build.html#building-lxml-on-macos-x and installed the module into a custom prefix (with static deps). AFAICT this could easily be scripted and added to the packaging scripts.)
hth, ~suv
[1] Attached a small debug extension which I use to verify the paths from which the modules lxml and numpy are loaded, as well as which python version is launched.