On Thursday 18 May 2006 11:32, Khiraly wrote:
- 18, csütörtök keltezéssel 12.25-kor Vladimir Savić ezt írta:
Fine. But, first - there is an internal Inkscape .isvg format saved by default and second - there must be some way to make Inkscape recorganize it's own drawing elements afterwords.
Just to clarify, the "inkscape internal svg format" is totally valid .svg file. Dont need to make any distinction with the extension ".isvg", its valid .svg. (the difference between of those option (inkscape svg vs. plain svg is the filesize. In inksccape .svg there are comments what inkscape use to store some editing information in the .svg file. Please correct me, if Im wrong)
I think you misunderstood me. I hope that .svg will become standard for every vector application. :)
Remember this: "The file "something.svg" was saved with a format (SVG Output) that may cause data loss! Do you want to save this file in another format?"? Yet, that same something.svg will be rendered exactly equally in every browser (or some other vector editing app) that supports SVG.
I will try to explain my idea as simply as I can. Make triangle using Shape tool (star) and you will have one node to control it's appearance(file 1). Convert it to curves and you'll have tree(file 2). Try opening both files in browser -- renders exactly the same. If we needed such an option, Inkscape could understand that both shapes are the same visually. It will be needed to introduce one COMMENT more in Inkscapes' svg (.isvg), which describes origin of shape, to make that triangle editable with one node again. It's the same with famous :) comic book balloon. Provide a tool for making balloons and store it's attributes in such a way (as path?) that every app that follows the standards can render it, but add one more that describes that it is what it is -- comic book balloon. When Inkscape reads that file it will eventually proceed editing of that shape to an internal tool which will define key nodes for that particular shape (roundness of balloon - as in rectangle tool, length and direction of however-is-called that sharp pointer :) etc. ). Then, when editing is finished, store that shape as path again + one description comment (attribute) and it will be standardized.
So standards are good thing.
I love them. Standards are good.