Transcript: http://alpha.inkscape.org/board/meetings/transcripts/2018-12-07.log.html
Recently Completed Action Items:
♦ ACTION: Propose some options and concrete plans for hackfest at SCALE [tedg] ♦ ACTION: Email board about status on SCALE venues by Nov 9th [tedg] ♦ ACTION: Lock in commitment for SCALE hackfest venue by Nov 16th, else plan to reschedule hackfest [tedg] ♦ ACTION: Recruit folks to help plan gitlab bugs transition [bryce] ♦ ACTION: Ask SFC opinion for widening our trademark registrations beyond US [bryce]
Carried Action Items:
== Merchandise Sales == ♢ ACTION: Investigate hellotux.com for merchandise [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Coordinate announcement of spreadshirt with hackfest [crogers, vectors team]
=== Future meetings/hackfests === ♢ ACTION: Set up wiki page for SCALE hackfest [Tav] ♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac]
=== 0.92.4 Release === ♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 [bryce]
=== 1.0 Release === ♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav] ♢ ACTION: ping jimmac/barbara about the symbolic icons for adding the theme to Inkscape [scislac] ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, tedg] ♢ ACTION: Review bug fix list http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/1.0_Release_Bug_Fix_List [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Plan bug management for 1.0 [bryce,Mc]
=== Outreachy === ♢ ACTION: Verify that outreachy project proposal is written and available online [doctormo]
New Action items:
=== Hackfests === ♢ ACTION: Hold vote for March hackfest [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Send email to recruit a volunteer to coordinate May hackfest in Germany [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Check in with CR on merchandise shop status [bryce]
=== Sponsorship Management === ♢ ACTION: Find out about the new event insurance from #conservancy [tedg] ♢ ACTION: See if Karen or other Conservancy members will be at SCALE to discuss sponsorship management ♢ ACTION: Generate summary of our financial situation [bryce]
Next meeting will be Friday, January 4th, 2019.
On Wed, Dec 05, 2018 at 08:17:33PM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Our monthly board meeting is scheduled for Friday, Dec 7th, at 10am Pacific in #inkscape-devel. All members are welcome.
* Future meetings/hackfests. ** [http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/17x/ SCALE] - March 7th-10th, 2019 (Pasadena, California) ** [http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2019/ LGM 2019] - May 30th-June 3rd (Saarbrucken, Germany) Proposed. (About two hours by train from Paris.) * Merchandise sales ** Spreadshirt ** Evaluate self-serve merchandise sales - spreadshirt, cafepress, Golden Ribbon, Think Penguin or similar [Mc] * Bug tracker transition plan * Weblate service deployment * Sponsorship management + Meeting w/ Karen on Conservancy assistance + Sponsor acceptance policy + Sponsorship procedures & defined contact point + Sponsor soliciting / outreach * Action Items * Other Business
Action Items from last meeting:
=== SCALE === ♢ ACTION: Check into pre/post SCALE meeting options & AirBNB [tedg, scislac] ♢ ACTION: Propose some options and concrete plans for hackfest at SCALE [tedg] ♢ ACTION: Email board about status on SCALE venues by Nov 9th [tedg] ♢ ACTION: Lock in commitment for SCALE hackfest venue by Nov 16th, else plan to reschedule hackfest [tedg] ♢ ACTION: Set up hackfest fundraiser web page for SCALE hackfest ♢ ACTION: Put together list of people to invite to 2019 SCALE hackfest [tedg] ♢ ACTION: Identify/recruit Inkscape presenters for SCALE [ryangorley] === Merchandise Sales === ♢ ACTION: Coordinate announcement of spreadshirt with hackfest [crogers, vectors team] ♢ ACTION: Check with Conservancy on status of sticker production [doctormon] ♢ ACTION: Email Bryce with evaluation/details about hellotux.com merchandise service, for preparing board vote [crogers] ♢ ACTION: Board vote on hellotux.com [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Follow up with Cr on status of Spreadsheet rollout [bryce] === 0.92.4 Release === ♢ ACTION: Kickoff 0.92.4 release [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Remember to put correct version string in AC_ for 0.92.4 [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Start 0.92.4 release once Inkscape 1.0-alpha is released [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Plan PR for 0.92.4 (with mention of availability of alpha) [vectors team, ryangorley] == Inkscape 1.0 alpha release == ♢ ACTION: Start Inkscape 1.0-alpha release once 2geom is released [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Check in with people doing test case conversion [Tav] ♢ ACTION: ping jimmac/barbara about the symbolic icons for adding the theme to Inkscape [scislac] ♢ ACTION: Plan video for Inkscape 1.0 release [crogers] === Bug Tracking === ♦ ACTION: Recruit folks to help plan gitlab bugs transition [bryce] ♢ ACTION: Write up an orientation web page for new bug triagers, for gitlab migration [Mc] ♢ ACTION: Announce move to gitlab for new Inkscape & 2geom bug reports, once inkscape 1.0-alpha is released [bryce] === Trademarks === ♦ ACTION: Ask SFC opinion for widening our trademark registrations beyond US [bryce] === 1.0 Release === ♢ ACTION: Brainstorm plans for 1.0beta / 1.0 commemorative merch [crogers, tedg]
Transcripts of previous meetings:
iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEpmEQCz2sHU8srYpU5gOyV4+48PsFAlwIotMACgkQ5gOyV4+4 8Pvnqg/+MgF7E81mcLFj8F4fsXzJp96siEQ6cJAxf3uOjAkSwG7kmHDyhFS4dkPx 2Qb/eOHnHi0+YTnLEbuMz6lFjwNUF7Bakr4b0dLq5wchR3BP/eM7I5Ewund+g9LQ fxj00VC7FgrNFUPnVhJdpoN0Q11UuwVyTfUz544NcgmuXi8Ll/gEzrsvZwUotYnT CTireCvr0AxKBX1vY/JJg1ztjkC5gcYLfhHAir6YCEnx00NsoCgewcuOCi+EEGiY x+dCF2cfZ/7LVIKgmThCJkPxWInw9tdQ6+bGZxIPiMlXIZZDF4cZyFDUflDdcVR9 j3Cbwu9hur17h0PsahfBHsC7hhmtxoCBZlsyDo0pLKfKAt3P4ulUNIr3KnLR+uGu o7e8Dopwt3TWuGaPDDEwz+Yh+yCheiklv3ubIgvFfmf3gEeg0P9nu3ZodRQQGtT1 OG6cYnkgt+ORjegSc1tAl8B3wPdh/Uoipv+7buCyY1uDBUw59uXahS7bE7ENE/bK G6FPWwIGCwFTWi82qagk8kKfhRIVvzR7povcmFHBkzob4syioim7CxR9yDJR5rMt +cbndxEZSB/cDiuoCbkwm/uT3JwyHLmxW10ca34hg+HiS6kAhELBEgTRtrHxRwFW iEXWaklChugwm7/ooInwcXN8LFRCklYhynxr2dA+ZRJ0nj8DBSY= =b9Ua -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
Inkscape-board mailing list Inkscape-board@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-board