Hi all,
I've just committed a patch William Swanson did for the wishlist bug #169623 "Canvas color option" (https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/169623). A rather popular wishlist (12 people declared being affected on LP). It compiles and works as expected on Windows XP and Ubuntu.
The canvas color is now set to the drawing background color (defined in the document properties), ignoring alpha. Thus if you choose a fully transparent black, the canvas will be black (instead of white as in the stable Inkscape version). Note that the modification doesn't affect exports (PNGs still use the alpha channel).
Don't hesitate to comment.
Regards, -- Nicolas
PS: Apparently the snap indicator color is broken (it never gets the white stroke it has in the 0.48.x branch when using a dark background - SnapIndicator::set_new_snaptarget is *always* called with pre_snap=false), but it seems that the bug was already in the trunk (also reproduced on Windows XP with 10760, 10700, 10614 and 10568).