On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Valerie <valerie_vk@...36...> wrote:
Overall, excellent. I would love to see something like this implemented for Pen and Pencil.
Several comments:
- The idea of setting width as integer times a float is very good imho. Did you borrow it somewhere? or it's yours? :)
- Spiro and Bezier as separate modes make sense (for now, Spiro would disable profiles, but this will be fixed when LPEs can be stacked, this is already being worked on), but I'm not sure about the other buttons in your Mode switch. When I need straight lines, I just do click-click-click in Pen as opposed to Pencil. As for the remaining two buttons, what's the difference? Smoothness? That can be adjusted by the Smooth parameter.
- Obviously Smooth only makes sense for Pencil, not Pen. It's long overdue, it should have been added there long ago actually...
- I think the two drop-downs after Shape are a bit messy. First of all, "calligraphic" should not be used as it refers to the Calligraphic pen which is quite different. Then, I think a better organization of the same options would be:
-- a Profile drop-down with options None (default), all the shape presets, and Clipboard which takes the shape from clipboard. The "Last used" is not needed because, once you choose some profile, it will of course apply to all paths you create automatically. Next to it, a repeat mode chooser (so it's available for all profiles, not only for clipboard ones as in your proposal) and an Edit button which opens the LPE dialog where further options can be adjusted.
-- a separate dash pattern drop-down, next to the markers selector; both are simply disabled when Profile is not None (not that they are not available for LPE paths, but they are simply confusing; power users would still be able to use them on LPE paths via Fill&Stroke).