Hi Olof, Shlomi,
autotools builds are the official recommendation for 0.91. CMake still needs some work, and doesn't fully support all options.
I think the consensus at present is that supporting two build systems is unsustainable and we intend to do the following:
1. Fix CMake builds for the next release, make this the official build system and deprecate the autotools builds. 2. Remove the autotools builds in the following release 3. Potentially move to the Waf build system in the following release
Any feedback on your experience with CMake would be greatly appreciated!
AV On 1 Sep 2015 8:36 pm, "Shlomi Fish" <shlomif@...2985...> wrote:
Hi Olof,
On Tue, 1 Sep 2015 20:19:39 +0200 Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarnason@...400...> wrote:
Hi Shlomi,
On 1 Sep 2015 20:06, "Shlomi Fish" <shlomif@...2985...> wrote:
Hi Olof,
please reply to all recipients.
On Tue, 1 Sep 2015 19:48:07 +0200 Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarnason@...400...> wrote:
When browsing the wiki for build instructions under Ubuntu, I only
instructions on how to build using autogen.sh.
I would prefer building Inkscape with the "new" build system CMake,
some one tell me what steps to follow / the diff from these
(preferably update the wiki page)
Specifically: do I need to run autogen.sh and configure?
Currently , I was able to build Inkscape using CMake by using this
You need to do "mkdir ../B; cd ../B" first.
Thank you will try this out. Any particular reason this script isn't on
wiki? Linked or copy-pasted.
Well, you can often get away with less options, or use different customisations to the cmake command. There should be other documents on the Web for generic build instructions of CMake-based projects.
One more question: Is cmake the official build tool 0.91 onwards?
Well, for 0.91, I think autoconf is still recommended, but there was some talk on making CMake the preferred one in the future. Don't know what the consensus was.
You don't have to still run autogen.sh and configure.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Shlomi Fish
Shlomi Fish http://www.shlomifish.org/ First stop for Perl beginners - http://perl-begin.org/
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