Nathan wrote,
Can't you just hold down spacebar?
incidently our renderer doesn't deal with thousands of objects well - for clones we perhaps need to render the object to a surface and bitblt that around.
Holding down the spacebar produces caterpillar trails of objects. Very spectacular and interesting but almost uncontrollable as a way to lay dots. Also I crashed several times when the object numbers got up to a couple of thousand.
However, I have found a way.
Create object and select. Ctrl+C Then select the magnifying glass. Hold down Ctrl with little finger. Move mouse around with right hand. Tap with left index finger on V.
The result is a controllable way to lay down many objects. Wall1.gif shows early stages of a wall that I am using as a test bed. It has several thousand objects already and has not crashed. However I do notice that redrawing is getting noticeably slow. That is one of the beauties of a wireframe view (if we had it). It reduces redraw time by manyfold.
Using the magnifying glass icon removes the selection handles which otherwise obscure the cloning position.
For the moment a win!