On Thursday 10 March 2005 20:15, Louis Desjardins wrote:
Hi everybody!
The Frenchspeaking readers on this list will appreciate the following link. It brings you to the Dossier published in Feb. 05 in SVM Mac. There are no screenshots. However, there are many links and a Fink how-to.
Happy reading!
Bonne lecture!
Louis _______________________________________________
For those who are not French speakers or have not read the articles, the text version was very in depth group of articles about not just Scribus, but Inkscape and GIMP.
For a major Mac publication to give it such broad coverage is in itself very significant.. To me, it says to their readers who might not truly understand OSS benefits, 'these are worthy applications'.
What I found most pleasing was they highlighted the applications strengths: Inkscape's attention to UI detail and ease of use, along with prominently Scribus PDF export.
Worth a look, if you can get it.
Cheers, Peter