On 24/9/09 18:35, Pajarico wrote:
BTW, Launchpad was updated yesterday and the tag cloud is showing for everyone but, where are the official tags?
here is the complete tag list from 2009-09-22, before 'they' shortened it back to the current state (whatever the criteria now are). Many single bug tags have already been changed since. Any way such a list could be made accessible (e.g. on a wiki page) and regularly updated? At the moment it seems unclear what and where the 'official' and 'other' list (as they were called in the previous launchpad version) are kept.
hth, ~suv
tags-list 2009-09-22 https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/inkscape
2geom 3d 3dbox 64-bit accessibility aim all-platforms alpha amd64 angle angular apport-bug apport-collected apport-crash arabic automation autosave axonometric bezier bidi bitmap blur bsd build build-compile-code-design cairo calligraphy cdr centre chameleon clipboard clipping clipping-path clone clones closepath color compiz cone conic connectors content coordinates copy copy-paste craah crash creating css cyrillic declaration defs desktop-integration dia dialogs displaced display distort document-properties documentation dxf effects emf eps erase eraser evince expand export exporting extension extensions extensions-plugins feature fill filters-svg fit fit-page-to-selection focus font fonts free freehand freeze full fullscreen gamma gnome gnuplot gradient grid grids group grouped grouping gsoc2009-color guides hand help history href http icons image imagemagick import import-export importing inkboard inkscape installer internet invisible-layer java kern keyboard keys landscape latex layer layers licence ligature ligatures line-height link linux list livepatheffects load localisation locking logo lpe mac macosx management marker markers maximize maximum memory menu metadata motif mouse needs-confirm-on-svn-head netbook node node-editing nodes non-grouped object object-shape object-text object-to-pattern objects objects-freehand-calligraphic objects-gradients objects-markers objects-nodes objects-pattern odg on opacity openclipart orientation ornemantal osx other oversampling packaging page paper paste patch path pattern pdf pdf-import pencil performance perspective planes png poppler portable position positioning preview print printing problem process proxy ps psfrag python quality radial-gradient-fill radialgradient reference regression remember remove render renderer request resize restore romanian rotation rulers save saving script scripts select selection serbian shape-editing single-dots size slider slovenian snapping snapshot soc-2008-juca solaris solarize sparse spiral spiro stamp stroke stroke-width style styles svg svg-xml symmetry tablet text text-tool tiled-clones tool tools transformations translation translation-geometry transparency tutorials ubuntu ui ui-dialogs-toolbars ui-guide-grid-ruler ui-palette-color ui-preferences ui-preview ui-selection-group-layer ui-shortcuts ui-text ui-xml undo unexpected-error ungroup usability usb value version vertical viewbox vista vml website wiki win32 win32-vista window wishlist with wmf x11 xaml xlink xmleditor zoom