So, with 0.43 finally out, let's all return to development. The 0.44 will be a "long" "development" release, so you all have plenty of time to try your wildest ideas. (If you start right now, that is :)
I would like to list some things that I know are being worked on and that I would like to see finalized for 0.44. I'm not trying to push anyone, just making an overview of the projects I know and care about, in no particular order. Additions are welcome, as are comments - from the developers mentioned below as well as anyone else. Let's use this thread to get an idea of where we are and what we can expect in the future.
- GTKmmfication. Ralf Stephan seems to be making a good progress, so I really hope we'll see this coming to some kind of milestone soon, with most of the current code duplication eliminated. An update on the current status would be much appreciated.
- Rotation center retention (John Cliff) - a very useful simple patch that just needs to be rewritten correctly. I will then reuse this facility so that keyboard and Transform dialogs honor the center position as well.
- Path effects (ACSpike) - this basically means converting all the Python effects (and adding more) so they are completely live and applicable to any path or shape, without losing the editability of the original. We have a pretty good idea of what to do and how to do it. I'd really love to see this implemented, at least bascially, in 0.44.
- Memory debugging. No one has been doing this recently. Our memory intake is truly notorious, and I'm sure a lot can be done about that by a dedicated developer. The most natural person for this task is Mental, thanks to his libgc involvement, but patching leaks does not require much knowledge of the codebase (though it requires much special expertise), so volunteers are welcome.
- Text UI. I really have no excuses for not implementing the text toolbar. Except for, you guessed it, GTKmmfication being unfinished. For example, I want to subclass the Gtk::Spinbutton to make it easier to add a useful right-click menu for spinbuttons. I can do this now, but again, I'm not sure how much of this will have to be redone later.
- DOM (Bob Jamison). We have a Javascript subdir for ages, and I'm afraid it will start to bitrot (if not already) if not put to use. Bob, can you give an update on this?
- Layers dialog (Mental). Long overdue. Mental, is there anything specific we can do to help you start moving with that?
- Swatches panel in the main window (Jon Cruz). Really a must. A simple change, but one that will change the perception of Inkscape by new users drastically. Jon, what holds you back with this?
- Snapping. Lots of problems have accumulated in that area. User complaints are regular. Someone (probably me, though volunteers are welcome) just needs to lay out a plan and attack this methodically.
- style.cpp automation - Richard Hughes had some code for autogenerating style.cpp code from the CSS specification. I wonder what is the status of this?
- More connectors work (Michael) - specifically, I would love to see an option for connectors made of hor/vert segments only. This seems to be the most useful in practice. (And if we have Path Effects working, one of the first effects I'd like to see implemented is Round Corners. Any effect will be transparently applicable to connector lines.)
- Site redesign. We've got a design chosen, so what is the next step? Is anyone working on that?
- Windows "dialogs on top" patch for GTK from this bug: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1363297&gro... This issue sucks so big that we simply have no serious chances on Windows until it's resolved. Anyone knows the current status of the patch?
- Bug sorting and closing. We're really behind on that. Let's not (try to) clean this up before the release only. If everyone reviews, comments, and ideally closes a couple bugs right now, we will all have more room to breathe when 0.43 bugs start pouring in.
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