Op Wo, 1 juli, 2009 12:01, schreef LucaDC:
These are my humble suggestions:
- when moving the guide (no modifiers) you always also move (and snap)
the origin, that goes under the cursor, in 2D (so wherever you click you always grab the guide at its origin: why moving the guide keeping the origin at the original distance from the grab/snapping point?); this behaviour would be consistent (=intuitive) to what happens when you create a guide;
That makes sense! If no one comes up with a valid use case for the current behavior then I will implement it the way you suggest.
- if shift is pressed when clicking, the guides always rotate (snapping
to what's around or, if you press ctrl after the rotation is started, to absolute angles, i.e. always starting from 0, using the step specified in the preferences for when rotating objects);
So shift rotates ...
- if ctrl-shift is pressed when clicking, the origin moves constrained to
the guide (snapping to what's around projected perpendicularly to the guide; if you want something different you can create a new guide and snap to the intersection, while creating a guide perpendicular to a given one is not always straightforward; this is a general consideration regarding snapping while constrained).
... but when "adding ctrl to shift" not only it becomes constrained, but it also changes from rotation to translation. In my opinion using ctrl should only make the motion constrained, and not change the type of transformation simultaneously.
So: A) when dragging with no modifiers we will move the origin to the pointer location (freely, in 2D) B) with ctrl we will have a constrained translation of the origin along the guide C) with shift we will rotate D) with ctrl-shift we will rotate to increments of the absolute angle
and with A), B), and C) Inkscape will snap depending on the snapping parameters.
It looks like we're converging here, aren't we ;-) ? What do you think?