Thanks Santiago, a few people have commentd on the windows Gtk+ lib bundling before, but I'll pass your comments along to the developers. They've been investigating alternative packaging approaches, so you may be more satisfied with it in the future.
----- Forwarded message from Santiago Roza <santiagoroza@...400...> -----
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 12:26:51 -0300 From: Santiago Roza <santiagoroza@...400...> To: bryce@...1... Reply-To: Santiago Roza <santiagoroza@...400...> Subject: Inkscape / GTK+
Hello, my name is Santiago Roza, and I'm a freelance writer for USERS magazine (a tech mag in Argentina and Mexico), specialized in Free software.
First of all, I'd like to congratulate you for your work: it's great to have a Free [and top quality] vector drawing program, and it's because of extraordinary people like you that F/OSS keeps evolving.
That said, I'd like to make a tiny little suggestion for the Win32 builds: I've seen you guys are bundling the GTK+ libraries with the installer, and while I have to admit that may ease things to some extent, I don't think it's the best (and most thoughtful) choice, considering there are many other Win32 apps which also depend on GTK+ (GIMP, X-Chat, Gaim, Abiword, Dia, and maybe more in the near future).
Well I guess that's all for now. Greetings, and thanks in advance.