5 Nov
5 Nov
5:24 p.m.
Hello Alvin.
Secondly I tried the attached extension legacy90to96, but the behavior was unexpected.
- first of all I was using default units of px, as usual, so I expected a
size change of about 6%. What I got was a size change from about 224 pixels to 793 pixels, which is a factor of 3, which is unexpected.
Sure we need an alert.
- secondly, I expected that the coordinates of the individual elements in
the drawing would be recalculated. Instead I see a change in the viewbox, which would not have been my preferred solution.
- in any event, I would suggest a bug report. This needs public exposure.
The change to viewbox is just fit a 0.92 document. The real scale is preformed in a group on top of all layers. You can flattern this group to remove this extra group and retain the transformations.
About this, is easy to me apply the transformation to each element disctint than a group instead transform a group container. Whats better for all?
Regards, Jabier.