Hi all,
I've compiled the status for the 0.44 development checklist. I'm sure this is already out of date, so please email me updates and I'll update next weekend.
Luckily, most everything people are working on sound like they could be wrapped up by the end of the month, however the quantity of things going on suggests that at least some efforts may require longer. Thus, I would like to propose the following schedule for getting to Feature Freeze mode:
Now - Development continues on the ~24 items identified For non-0.44 feature work, please use branches
May 1st - Achieve completion of at least 50% of the items. Work continues on the remaining 12. Work ceases on any other features. Notification to translators Begin focusing on bugfixes. Identify preliminary "must-fix" buglist
May 15th - Feature Freeze All feature development work ends Finalize the "must-fix" buglist Issue pre-release packages for testing Focus on bug fixes, translations, & docs
TBD - Hard Freeze Translation work finishes Final resolution on all "must-fix" bugs Issue one or more release candidates
TBD - 0.44 Release
How does this plan sound? Has anything been missed?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inkscape 0.44 Development Checklist
ICC Preview =========== Jon Cruz is working on this. Plans to have feature to a finished point for the release.
* Update Release Notes
CMYK support ============ Jon Cruz is working on this. Plans to have feature to a finished point for the release.
* Update Release Notes
ArtLibre named icon and cursor loading ====================================== Jon Cruz is working on this. Plans to have feature to a finished point for the release.
* Update Release Notes
Palette editing and per-file color sets ======================================= Jon Cruz is working on this. Plans to have feature to a finished point for the release.
* Update Release Notes
Tablet Bugs =========== MentalGuy is working on this. Says for the release he wants to get these resolved.
Brush size adjustment on zoom toggle for calligraphic pen ========================================================= MentalGuy is working on this and plans to have it to a finished point for the release.
Layer dialog ============ This is an important feature for the release, and on MentalGuy's todo list. However, work has been stuck getting Inkscape::LayerManager to compile due to a subtle detail with sigc::mem_fun(), and it's uncertain if there is sufficient time to unstick it and finish the feature prior to the release. Additional people's help may be needed here.
[Beyond the memory issue, are there other aspects to the layer dialog that others could help with, such as UI work or coding helper features or whatever? --bh]
* Update Release Notes
Fit Canvas to Selection ======================= This is a feature ACSpike has been working on, and plans to complete for the release. The patch is here:
ODG Format Support ================== Ishmal is working on this currently. It basically works and is 90% done; the one issue at the moment that needs to be fixed for the release is that image rotations are backwards. [I think this might be fixed now. -- bh]
DOM Support =========== Ishmal has been working on this. The newest code is all imported and builds. [Is there anything else needing to be done prior to release?]
SIOX Support ============ Ishmal has this over half done. The code is all imported and building, and the selection mechanism is about done. Getting Inkscape and SIOX intercommunication working, but this can be built as a filter to potrace, which simplifies things. There are some transformation issues that need to be sorted out.
Extensions ========== Ted is focusing on cleaning up extension parameters and felt he'd have this wrapped up by the end of the month. The plan is to have longer text (tool tips) available, and a few more widgets. More spacing in the autogui will be added to make it look nicer.
* Ted reports there is an unverified bug in the ordering of the effects in the menu, to be investigated.
The Extension Editor is further off, and not being planned for this release.
Snapping ======== !!! More info needed - Carl and Mathieu (and maybe Ralf?) !!!
* Need to fix the freeze when dragging multiple selected objects: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1429049&gro...
* Update Release Notes
Rendering Performance Speedup ============================= Andrius has a very interesting rendering speedup patch. The feature is complete and accepted for the release. There is one known issue to address with scrolling, but Andrius feels this can be fixed.
* Additional testing needs to be performed
Screenshots =========== Scislac has taken this task on, and plans to have it done for the release.
Two screenshots are done currently, and one more is in the works. There will be a call for more screenshots on the Deviant Art site.
Tutorials ========= Calligraphy is mostly done, and a few of the other updates to the other tutorials have been drafted but that stuff definitely needs more work. Should be possible to have them done by the end of April.
Calligraphic interface tweak ============================ Bulia is working on this change requested by MentalGuy, and feels they are minor and should have no trouble completing for the release.
Windows font handling bugfixes (DONE) ============================== Richard (cyreve) has completed these bug fixes and updated the release notes.
* Update ReleaseNotes
Python Extensions on Windows ============================ !!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
Bulia reports that extensions that rely on PyXML still do not work on Windows. Due to the number of python extensions, this would be a major missing feature for Windows users.
Text/Fonts UI ============= deadchip (aka Milosz Derezynski <internalerror at gmail dot com>) has written a font lister Gtkmm class, to enable re-use of the font list. He is planning to write a font picker dialog, and rewrite the current font picker to use the font _listing_ class. This enables using normal Gtk components (ListStore, etc.) for accessing the font info. He plans to have this work done by May 1st, or May 15th at the latest.
Windows "dialogs on top" Patch for GTK ====================================== !!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
This is not exactly an Inkscape-specific problem, since the code changes wouldn't be to Inkscape, but it would be nice to have it finally fixed. This 0.44 release effort may be a good vehicle to tie it to, but we won't hold up the release if it doesn't get done. Scislac had contacted the author previously.
* Send a reminder email to the author to find status on this
Undo/Redo Dialog ================ !!! No owner has been identified for this task !!!
We have a patch for this, but the author has not been reachable. Also needed is undo annotations.
* Unless the author or another developer takes ownership of this patch within a week or so, perhaps the wise thing to do would be to incorporate it right after the release, to give maximum debugging time for 0.55.
New File Chooser in Export ========================== We have a patch for this, but there were some thoughts of embedding it in the export dialog directly. In the spirit of "patch first, discuss later", the best approach may be to stick in the current patch for 0.44, see what folks think, and do the embedding later.
Additional Release Tasks ======================== The following tasks will need to be done for the release, but are not required to be done prior to the Feature Freeze:
* Identify the list of must-fix bugs. To keep the freeze phase from dragging out, we will need to be very choosy in what we allow to be must-fix bugs.
* Set up a ReleaseChecklist wiki page or similar to keep track of The List.
* Designate 2 release maintainers.
* Keep and update the above list and encourage people to achieve completion of the items.
* Notify translators to complete translation work
* Wiki updates + Update Roadmap + Review/Update FAQ + Update InkscapeFeatures
* PR / marketing efforts + Plan efforts + Draft press release + Finalize press release + Send out press release [rejon]
* Packaging