On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, MenTaLguY wrote:
On Wed, 2004-07-14 at 15:23, bulia byak wrote:
Looks like the freeze is going well, with nothing serious showing up. Is there anything preventing us from making a release, say, tomorrow?
Not sure ... I'd like to get any remaining common warnings/assertions cleaned up (if the fixes are simple) so they don't annoy Windows users.
If it is simple to do, that might be worthwhile, but not if it'd hold up the release. For next release, it sounds like it would be very worthwhile to get these msgs redirected.
Other than that it does look like we're done though.
Cool! Congrats everyone.
Actually, Ted, since you are our Release Technician (right? :) what is the best time for you to cut the release?
This is probably a good time to review (and amend, if necessary) the release process as documented here:
Let's also make a big priority to get an OSX binary this time around; I was surprised we didn't have an OSX package for 0.38. Even if the package is not very good and performs poorly, it will be a start. :-)