Kees Cook wrote:
On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 01:39:09PM +0000, Jonathan Leighton wrote:
today I finally got it to commit without any errors, but when I look at the repository via the web interface (http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/inkscape/inkscape_web/) it seems to have not worked right. The four WordPress-related directories have
Those public views of CVS aren't real-time updated. What you see in your developer CVS tree is true, so as long as "cvs update" sees the files, they're in there.
Oh right, okay. Maybe my situation is not quite as dire as I thought then :).
Another thing I found, is that when performing any action to do with the repository, such as updating, committing, diffing, and even statusing, my outgoing network traffic goes right up. My only guess is that it is sending my entire working copy somewhere. Why is this, and is there anything I can do? I makes things take ages.
Also, are there any additional steps I need to take to get web content online, after committing it. Is the website updated from the CVS tree daily or something?
Thanks Jon