On 22/08/2012 06:02, ~suv wrote:
On 22/08/2012 03:41, Gellule Xg wrote:
It looks like I may be able to package Inkscape in a dmg. The procedure is refreshed version of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/inkscape/+spec/inkscape-quartz It has been compiled on Moutain Lion (64 bits) from trunk. You should be able to give is a spin from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/49834266/Inkscape.dmg Let me know if it works for you and/or if it is worth pushing this further.
[1] there seem to be some minor changes e.g. with regard setting the python env via 'Contents/Resources/environment.sh', though the required python module lxml (for Python 2.7) is not included in the app bundle - extensions are likely still not working unless Apple decided to include the lxml module with the system Python 2.7 on Mountain Lion (like they did with numpy on Snow Leopard).
WRT python lxml module:
For the current packaging scripts in trunk, I maintain a personal (junk) branch on launchpad.net with some bug fixes (and additional refactoring):
https://code.launchpad.net/~suv-lp/+junk/inkscape-osxapp-stacked (Note: this is WIP, none of the changes has been reviewed)
The branch includes a script to compile lxml with the system python, ready to be included in the app bundle (no README notes available yet). I don't know if those modules would work with packages creates with John Ralls' "gtk-mac-bundler" though.
In 'packaging/macosx/osx-app.sh' of this branch, there is also a link to the old python packages (supporting Python 2.4 - 2.6 (32bit)) temporarily made available via Dropbox: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~suv-lp/+junk/inkscape-osxapp-stacked/view/head:/packaging/macosx/osx-app.sh#L138