On Sat, 3 Jun 2006, Josef Vybiral wrote:
On Sat, 03 Jun 2006 00:21:35 +0200, Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...> wrote:
Please speak up now translators!
I would say that as there are several effects under this menu item and no effect related actions like in case e.g. for layer and Layer menu item, then I would keep "Effects". It has in my opinion better meaning for the purpose we use it. (it is not a proof of right form but also GIMP uses plural form for Filters menu item for example)
gimp used to have a Layers menu in 1.2 but changed to Layer in 2.0 they are not the best example when it comes to usability especially since Inkscape deliberately broke away from the way Sodipodi (and by implication GIMP) does things.
photoshop uses the menu Filter not Filters and I put marginally more trust that the people who designed photoshop and the massive amounts of feedback they have gotten from the enormous userbase over the years.
From a view of translator: This change(to "Effect"), if there is majority for the change,
Majority is not usually the best way to make decisions. (Resisting the temptation to make comments about politics.)
0.44. Just to keep translations consistent with the original string and avoid fuzzyfication of it.
the question of fuzzy strings was only in relation to ellipses (...)
There effect menu needs a mnemonic anyway and both these changes should be made before effects are turned on by default.