On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 18:58 -0300, bulia byak wrote:
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 1:22 PM, bulia byak
<buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
I guess for me, it's "undo stack lite."
OK, I just tried it, and I really don't see any added value in this. Pressing/releasing Q is exactly the same as pressing 3 and then `. You save one keystroke, but at the expense of having to keep the Q pressed, which essentially makes any non-trivial work in zoomed-in mode impossible.
I disagree :)
My thoughts are that let's leave it in, let people play and try it out for a while. Then open up the debate again. For me, I have really found it to be much more intuitive than the undo stack. I hardly ever use that, but I use this regularly.
Why is the action controlled by 3 and ` in the first example? These keys ARE NOT close in other keyboards distributions like Spanish, where both are nine keys apart. And even with that, it still doesn't recover zoom position. 3 works but ` doesn't. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. The equivalent menu option "Previous zoom" works, thought.
Actually a switch key would work better. Like push 3 for zoom in, push 3 again to zoom back. I don't like the idea of keeping Q stroked.
I think it is a nice feature. However, for me it does not zoom at the mouse cursor. It would be super if it would zoom exactly at the mouse pointer (regardless of selection), just like mousewheel scroll does (with certain pref setting). It would make selection of close knots quite a bit easier and quicker.
Cheers, Johan
Agree ;) It should zoom to the cursor position.