(sorry for posting the patch here -- logins are currently disabled over at sf.net so I can't put it in the tracker)
As I didn't manage to finish this in time for 0.44 I now release what I have early in the release cycle to make sure it gets thoroughly reviewed/tested before 0.45.
I have made the change suggested by mental (see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1423034&gro...):
An Event struct has been introduced which stores an XML::Event annotated with a Verb used for grouping and icon, and an ustring for description.
A verb and description is passed with each sp_document_(maybe_)done call. I have tried to put accurate verbs in most of the calls, but at some places I'm not sure what a relevant verb would be. Event descriptions, however, is left to be done. Help with this would be appreciated; there are about 250 descriptions to be written and English is not my mother tongue...
-- Gustav Broberg