Sounds like we're okay to go into feature freeze mode Monday, so let's go ahead and do that.
pjrm will be one of the release wardens this release since he'd done it for 0.42. Jon Cruz, would you be willing to act as the other release warden for this release and the next?
BUG ID Pts Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1273990 3 Tester Mailign list on Web site bryce 1277695 3 Spelling mistake in dutch translation rwst
1286163 6 Transform Dialouge Does Not Allow Neg Values ishmal 1218610 6 grid arrange issues johncliff 1264289 3 German translation: "Um 90 Grad nach links" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 21 / 100
RFE ID Pts Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1281885 9 128x128 size in icon preview 1165049 6 precision of x/y/w/h boxes 1277850 6 Color Blending Modes 963828 3 gridlock instead of the cursor 1211326 3 Bezier tool should have distinct cursor 856085 6 curve editing and right click menu 927908 3 REQ: display start.x,y end.x,y width height length angle 955788 6 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Support 902736 3 Shortcuts in button tooltips 1075878 3 command line export to eps 1124499 3 CMYK color from 1 to 100 instead to 255 JonCruz 1173740 3 Shape controls should be differentiated by shape 880110 9 TOOLS/NODE EDITING: Add/subtract nodes + scissor tool 1043374 3 ability to add a node at the extremity of a path. 1084658 3 Connectors and textboxes 1283620 9 Smart Line Connectors between shapes 1083230 3 list of translations on the web site kees 1175304 3 Hard to retrieve version info kees 965791 9 CUPS printing 950969 6 INPUT: Wacom Tablet + Pressure Sensitivity Lindgren 862691 9 NODE EDITING: Dragging curve segment acspike 1055117 6 FAQ should address import/export issues bryce ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total: 124 / 100