As you may have noticed from an earlier email, I'm more or less back from all that wedding stuff. The ceremony was wonderful and the honeymoon trip to the Dominican Republic really fun! Email me if you want to see some photos and I'll send some links.
So now down to business. School is ramping up, but it looks good to be able to spend some time every week looking at Inkscape. Which is good, because I have several loose ends to take care of. I am aware of the funky newline behaviour that a few of you have logged bugs on. That will be my first priority. Once that's ironed out, I will be cleaning up my last patch from SoC. Finally, once that's checked in and working, I will finish the end goal with that code, namely sorting out the UI lists to be what we want and looking into Pango limitations with those folks.
No idea how long that will all take, but will be definitely making a good effort to get the most urgent stuff done as soon as I can.
Cheers, Gail