Although it would be ideal to have a large number of items easily accessible on the toolbars, this is not, of course, possible.
Maybe a simple work-around it is to set up buttons on the tool options bars that quickly open the dialogs. In fact, there could be a set of buttons (or selection group of some sort) which allows even certain tabs/sets of options to be opened quickly and easily. Then all the more advanced/less used options could reside in the dialogs but still be easily accessible. Yes, key commands are great, but nobody (or few) can remember them all.
Of course, there can be super-dynamic ways of implementing this, but I'm not quite the genius to figure it all out. I just thought it might be a good, user-friendly way to link the toolbars to the dialogs.
Of course, another option (which would be a user-toggled option) is to use a button to make extra tool options bars available with the other options. Click it to toggle them on, use what you need, click to toggle off if you need the work space. Or, click to toggle on, toggle off automatically on mouse-exit from the toolbar (or entry onto the canvas).
bulia byak wrote:
I think we need to be able to spray several different objects (say up to 3) in one go, and we need more spacing controls - in particular scattering along the line and perpendicular to it. Also we need an opacity control which could also depend on background color. In general, if we implement all options that make sense, I'm afraid it won't fit the bar - it will be more like the Tile Clones dialog :(
Also, if you have Xara or Xara LX, go to Freehand tool, create a brush from some object and click Edit brush. You will see a dialog with a lot of options. I don't like everything there, but it might give you some more ideas.