Developer Meeting Aug 19th 2024

This week we had a highly technical meeting with our core developers.
Meeting: Attending: Martin, Jonathan, Mikekov, pbs, Rafael, René Next Meeting: August 27th, 2024
Issue with the windows build for 1.4, a missing dep maybe for ImageMagic, Marc edited it just an hour ago.
The way 2geom is imported has been corrected, but the CI builder doesn't do the right thing for testing.
PBS presents the issue of using asyinc coroutines for the Gtk4 dialogs. There's a way to wrap the gtkmm calls to be coroutine compataible.
PBS asked about using getThing() or jsut thing() in API design. Martin tends towards using get when calculating but goes for whatever is around it when editing code.
Martin takled with René about the crossink status and how much work we have to do to get windows builds to work in wine. We talked about using a VM vs. using crossink and how important it is to get developers to comile and test issues with windows builds.
We talked about getting fixes into upstream Gnome, Gtk project and some of the technical and social barriers to to doing that. Is Gtk portable or is it crossplatform? We need to know what Gtk thinks these mean to know what their mission is so we can best fit their expectations.
Jonathan talked about mentoring his GSoC student for the afdesigner importer. The student needs to write up what he's done and most of the things are supported in the donated files. He found out what clipboard data is available, curiously afdesigner makes an x-inkscape-svg clipboard type. But we'd still use the afdesigner importer for that.
Jonathan brought up how we want to re-organise extensions.
Mikekov has gotten back into reviewing some of the designs and implimenting them for the object properties dialog. We talked about how the update process works which is too corse at the moment.
Rafael was working on the marker tools and is doing a top down rewrite including the on canvas marker editing.
Martin talked about doing the color stuff in python and support and testing it. Will support a couple of the new CSS module 4 color formats for exporting.
That's it for this week. Thanks everyone for coming to this week's meeting.
Best Regards, Martin Owens

Thank you for the notes Martin!
On Mon, 19 Aug 2024, 23:55 Martin Owens, wrote:
This week we had a highly technical meeting with our core developers.
Meeting: Attending: Martin, Jonathan, Mikekov, pbs, Rafael, René Next Meeting: August 27th, 2024
Issue with the windows build for 1.4, a missing dep maybe for ImageMagic, Marc edited it just an hour ago.
The way 2geom is imported has been corrected, but the CI builder doesn't do the right thing for testing.
PBS presents the issue of using asyinc coroutines for the Gtk4 dialogs. There's a way to wrap the gtkmm calls to be coroutine compataible.
PBS asked about using getThing() or jsut thing() in API design. Martin tends towards using get when calculating but goes for whatever is around it when editing code.
Martin takled with René about the crossink status and how much work we have to do to get windows builds to work in wine. We talked about using a VM vs. using crossink and how important it is to get developers to comile and test issues with windows builds.
We talked about getting fixes into upstream Gnome, Gtk project and some of the technical and social barriers to to doing that. Is Gtk portable or is it crossplatform? We need to know what Gtk thinks these mean to know what their mission is so we can best fit their expectations.
Jonathan talked about mentoring his GSoC student for the afdesigner importer. The student needs to write up what he's done and most of the things are supported in the donated files. He found out what clipboard data is available, curiously afdesigner makes an x-inkscape-svg clipboard type. But we'd still use the afdesigner importer for that.
Jonathan brought up how we want to re-organise extensions.
Mikekov has gotten back into reviewing some of the designs and implimenting them for the object properties dialog. We talked about how the update process works which is too corse at the moment.
Rafael was working on the marker tools and is doing a top down rewrite including the on canvas marker editing.
Martin talked about doing the color stuff in python and support and testing it. Will support a couple of the new CSS module 4 color formats for exporting.
That's it for this week. Thanks everyone for coming to this week's meeting.
Best Regards, Martin Owens _______________________________________________ Inkscape Board of Directors mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to
participants (2)
Martin Owens
Vaibhav Malik