Hey everyone!
Meeting: https://inkscape.org/cals/event/1/ Attending: Martin, skipper, Marc, René, Raven King, Ishaan, Tav, pbs Next meeting: 19th August
We talked briefly about the hardware program and Adam leaving and the SFC's failure. Further details about this will be sent to the plc mailing list soon.
# GSoC
Skipper wanted to ask about problems with UX follow up now that Adam has left. Vaibhav is the mentor and suggested coming into the meeting to find out how to proceed.
Martin talked about a similar issue currently being felt in the node delete tool. Suggested coming to the chat or post an issue where the discussion could be done.
Marc recommends making a proposal and use that as a starting point, especially since people who are not happy about it will have to give their arguments.
# Beta3 for windows
The background is that we have a beta2 which is not functioning for windows users and since we have significant windows issues, then we need to make a beta3 as soon as possible.
René says that if we need a beta4 or beta5 because we can't get it working, then so be it. René wants to know if some of the deps need to be updated or not. There are a few things to do.
# Release procedure
Moving everything to the CI builder so there's much less work to do and we can all know how a release is done.
We're still building the 32-bit windows in order to have access to Arm builds. If we had a machine that built for Arm we wouldn't need this.
We briefly talked about support and what Inkscape supporting users means.
Pbs wants to talk about the broken Debian packaging link and how it's stopped working. We talk about how Debian packaging on launchpad is done and some of the details about how that system works for us as a sort of CI builder.
He also fixed some issues with the AppImage builder, specifically to do with CJK support. But the fix isn't available to Inkscape 1.4 because of how it would be built with upstream libraries. Philip wanted help with the AppImage but there weren't anyone in the meeting who knew AppImage very well. Recommended to post to the mailing list.
# Procedures
We talked about how to create merge requests, and what is expected of developers. Assigning themselves to issues, reviewers and keeping their local admin clean to help other contributors.
We talked about spaghetti code and various issues with trying to keep the code tidy.
We talked about limiting the merges to master to people who have two factor authentication enabled on Git Lab.
# Other items
Is there still font issues on windows for user installed fonts? We think this is fixed, but we're not sure.
Spellchecking has stopped working on master. It looks like an upstream issue.
Philip was working on GUI free Inkscape and tab based Inkscape, which was too much to do at once. Tav did some of the groundwork for this with things like SPDesktop.
# Activity
We worked on merge requests for 1.4.x at the end of the meeting.
Best Regards, Martin Owens
participants (1)
Martin Owens