Press: Inkscape in Linux User and Developer magazine

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Press: Inkscape in Linux User and Developer magazine Issue 47
"Graphic designer Miriam Clinton investigates the free software tools of her trade with a look at the Gimp, Cinepaint, Quanta Plus, Inkscape and Sodipodi."
One of the plus points mentioned in the article and in noticable contrast to other projects was the welcome Miriam recieved from the Inkscape community (and the efforts to get her involved). I'm very proud of this ditinction and I think a lot of it can be put down to the maturity of Bryce and the other developers who always moderate dicussions and keep things calm and in perspective. I think this is a valuable asset to the long term health of the Inkscape project.
She expressed her disappointment at the Text functionality but as we all know it is a work in progress and the interface will inevitably improve and Ms. Clinton did note that Inkscape is a fairly young 'alpha' stage project and gave a largely favourable and optimistic report.
In comparision I think she was quite critical of GIMP, CinePaint and Sodipodi which is quite fair from the point of view of a Graphic designer but usually Linux magazines are very forgiving of Open Source applications (Graphic design magazines are usually extremely critical -- freedom of source and free cost doesn't cut any ice with them -- a flamefest even by comparison to Miriams review).
Gotta go.
Alan Horkan
Inkscape, Draw Freely Abiword is Awesome
participants (1)
Alan Horkan