My comments:
- the sp_fullscreen function should be perhaps in desktop.cpp, not in verbs.cpp
- the planned shortcut for fullscreen is F11 - I don't think f is a good idea, it's easy to press it accidentally
- use the last argument of true when registering a shortcut in shortcuts.cpp, so it shows up in the menu
- on my KDE 3.14, fullscreen only works properly when there are no other maximized windows. If there's a maximized window and an Inkscape window over it, then calling fullscreen results in unending flashing of these two windows - this can only be stopped by killing Inkscape. Anyone else having this problem?
- when I open new document windows from a fullscreen window, they are sometimes on top of it but sometimes they sink under the fullscreen window (can't guess what is the algorithm here).
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On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 04:16:50 +0000 "bulia byak" <archiver_1@...19...> mused:
My comments:
- the sp_fullscreen function should be perhaps in desktop.cpp, not in
Yeah, I put a fixme in verbs.h exactly that it should be placed somewhere more appropriately. I'll put it in desktop.cpp. I'll also drop the 'sp_' prefix.
- the planned shortcut for fullscreen is F11 - I don't think f is a
good idea, it's easy to press it accidentally
ok, I'll change it.
- use the last argument of true when registering a shortcut in
shortcuts.cpp, so it shows up in the menu
- on my KDE 3.14, fullscreen only works properly when there are no
other maximized windows. If there's a maximized window and an Inkscape window over it, then calling fullscreen results in unending flashing of these two windows - this can only be stopped by killing Inkscape. Anyone else having this problem?
This is a window manager related issue depending on WM_HINTS etc. (Xlib) It works in sawfish, which is more tied in with gtk. I'll see if I can disable it somehow or change the X properties of a window.
- when I open new document windows from a fullscreen window, they are
sometimes on top of it but sometimes they sink under the fullscreen window (can't guess what is the algorithm here).
Hm, no idea, could it be window focus rules ?

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 04:16:50 +0000 "bulia byak" <archiver_1@...19...> wrote:
- the planned shortcut for fullscreen is F11 - I don't think f is a
good idea, it's easy to press it accidentally
I've put in a ctrl-F11 shortcut. I'm not familiar with Illustrator, so I've put in ctrl-shift-F11 to revert back. Is that ok ?
Fullscreen depends on gtk_window_fullscreen which is in gtk >= 2.2. I've put in conditional compilation based on a configure script check. I have not tested it on windows or with gtk 2.0.

Johan Ceuppens configurò:
- the planned shortcut for fullscreen is F11 - I don't think f is a
good idea, it's easy to press it accidentally
I've put in a ctrl-F11 shortcut. I'm not familiar with Illustrator, so I've put in ctrl-shift-F11 to revert back. Is that ok ?
Fullscreen depends on gtk_window_fullscreen which is in gtk >= 2.2. I've put in conditional compilation based on a configure script check. I have not tested it on windows or with gtk 2.0.
Why ctrl-F11?
Other apps (gimp, epiphany, etc.) use only F11 to toggle fullscreen mode.

I just had this thought on the way back from Korean class.
Why not have in addition to the fullscreen mode, a presentation mode, where one can get out of it with the ESCAPE key, without any toolbars, scrollbars, etc. Only the canvas.
The more complete ideas is to move us into the position similar to FLASH, where we *could* give a presentation, with hyperlinks that link to other SVG files withint the same window, and be able to navigate between local/global documents.
To take this even further, and extra cool, would be to "Save as SVG Player," where we could wrap the SVG file(s) into a binary packed player with our rendering engine inside, portable away from Inkscape, so that one could put it on a CD or even package it with KNOPPIX for an independent playback. This would put us more in the multimedia SVG game--in league with FLASH.
For now, Johan, it would be soooo cool to also have a presentation mode with ONLY the canvas (maybe no control key for this now) and you can get out by hitting any key (ESCAPE though would be preferred).
FYI: Illustrator has a similar mode for editing of files.
It would seem to me to be an easy functionality to add, but when coupled with hyperlinking between documents within the same window, in sp_anchor_link_follow() in src/object-ui.cpp, we could have a quick little presentation system.
On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 14:30, MenTaLguY wrote:
On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 14:11, Johan Ceuppens wrote:
I've put in a ctrl-F11 shortcut. I'm not familiar with Illustrator, so I've put in ctrl-shift-F11 to revert back. Is that ok ?
Well, probably just having a single keybinding to toggle to/from fullscreen would be fine.

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 15:06:03 -0800 Jonathan Phillips <jon@...15...> stated:
I just had this thought on the way back from Korean class.
Why not have in addition to the fullscreen mode, a presentation mode, where one can get out of it with the ESCAPE key, without any toolbars, scrollbars, etc. Only the canvas.
There is some code for this in CVS. After a talk with Bryce and Mental, I'll try to get a slideshow feature in inkview for the upcoming release (if time permits). There is an inkview_slideshow branch in CVS. Everyone who would like to join in is welcome.
I'd try to keep it simple and would aim for a 'inkview --slideshow somewhere/*.svg' command as pjrm suggested. After the program launches you would just have a shortcut or two for moving through the slides. The inkview program has a fullscreen option already (F11 and shift-F11). XML slideshow files would be something which would get done in 0.38 or later.
PS: I'll work on a configurable GUI, as mentioned in a previous mail, for the next release.

On 3 Feb 2004, Johan Ceuppens wrote:
There is some code for this in CVS. After a talk with Bryce and Mental, I'll try to get a slideshow feature in inkview for the upcoming release (if time permits). There is an inkview_slideshow branch in CVS. Everyone who would like to join in is welcome.
I'd try to keep it simple and would aim for a 'inkview --slideshow somewhere/*.svg' command as pjrm suggested.
This is a good approach to start with. Beyond that it would be useful to have it also accept the files in a compressed archive file (like a JAR file perhaps.)
After the program launches you would just have a shortcut or two for moving through the slides. The inkview program has a fullscreen option already (F11 and shift-F11). XML slideshow files would be something which would get done in 0.38 or later.
PS: I'll work on a configurable GUI, as mentioned in a previous mail, for the next release.
Cool, this is good work, and I think people could get some good use out of it.

Bryce Harrington wrote:
On 3 Feb 2004, Johan Ceuppens wrote:
There is some code for this in CVS. After a talk with Bryce and Mental, I'll try to get a slideshow feature in inkview for the upcoming release (if time permits). There is an inkview_slideshow branch in CVS. Everyone who would like to join in is welcome.
I'd try to keep it simple and would aim for a 'inkview --slideshow somewhere/*.svg' command as pjrm suggested.
This is a good approach to start with. Beyond that it would be useful to have it also accept the files in a compressed archive file (like a JAR file perhaps.)
After the program launches you would just have a shortcut or two for moving through the slides. The inkview program has a fullscreen option already (F11 and shift-F11). XML slideshow files would be something which would get done in 0.38 or later.
PS: I'll work on a configurable GUI, as mentioned in a previous mail, for the next release.
Cool, this is good work, and I think people could get some good use out of it.
Also, it might help give a head start toward this part of SVG1.2: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG12/#multipage

On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 17:48:46 -0800 (PST) Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1...> mused:
I'd try to keep it simple and would aim for a 'inkview --slideshow somewhere/*.svg' command as pjrm suggested.
This is a good approach to start with. Beyond that it would be useful to have it also accept the files in a compressed archive file (like a JAR file perhaps.)
Apparently most had already been written. I've put up a page on wiki about it with the shortcuts: http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Inkview

On 3 Feb 2004, Johan Ceuppens wrote:
On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 17:48:46 -0800 (PST) Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1...> mused:
I'd try to keep it simple and would aim for a 'inkview --slideshow somewhere/*.svg' command as pjrm suggested.
This is a good approach to start with. Beyond that it would be useful to have it also accept the files in a compressed archive file (like a JAR file perhaps.)
Apparently most had already been written. I've put up a page on wiki about it with the shortcuts: http://www.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Inkview
Looks good. I copied it into a news blurb on the website. http://www.inkscape.org/

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 00:41:54 -0800 (PST) From: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1...> To: Johan Ceuppens <jceuppen@...180...> Cc: inkscape inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] inkview slideshow - was fullscreen
On 3 Feb 2004, Johan Ceuppens wrote:
On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 17:48:46 -0800 (PST) Bryce Harrington <bryce@...1...> mused:
I'd try to keep it simple and would aim for a 'inkview --slideshow somewhere/*.svg' command as pjrm suggested.
This is a good approach to start with. Beyond that it would be useful to have it also accept the files in a compressed archive file (like a JAR file perhaps.)
Sounds like you should look at SMIL!
From what I know if SMIL it sounds like the right way to turn lots of SVGs
into a simple animated presentation. I've previously used SMIL to make a simple "playlist" of raster graphics to be displayed using RealPlayer* and I think the Adobe SVG viewer is also aware of SMIL http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/
Also I'm not sure if they are more than just defacto standards but there is already SVGZ (Gzip Compressed SVG) and the openoffice file formats use Zip compressed XML so I'd be extremely surprised if there wasn't some packaged and Compressed version of SMIL.
If Inkscape does as previously discussed move to using libgsf working from a collection of archived xml files shouldn't be too difficult.
Alan Horkan http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/
* Realplayer may have a dubious 'open source' license but I commend them for at least trying.

On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 13:53, Alan Horkan wrote:
Sounds like you should look at SMIL!
SMIL is certainly the right tool in the long run.
SVG includes a subset of SMIL for animation purposes; most of the discussion about animation has been about implementing that portion of the specification.
Also I'm not sure if they are more than just defacto standards but there is already SVGZ (Gzip Compressed SVG) and the openoffice file formats use Zip compressed XML so I'd be extremely surprised if there wasn't some packaged and Compressed version of SMIL.
(for what it's worth zip = jar)
We should probably look at how much we can/want to interoperate with OpenOffice too.
If Inkscape does as previously discussed move to using libgsf working from a collection of archived xml files shouldn't be too difficult.

MenTaLguY wrote:
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 13:53, Alan Horkan wrote:
Sounds like you should look at SMIL!
SMIL is certainly the right tool in the long run.
SVG includes a subset of SMIL for animation purposes; most of the discussion about animation has been about implementing that portion of the specification.
True. But -please- don't forget DOM scripting, also. That is the one feature that is in the SVG spec that I was hoping for, and the main reason I started contributing. ;-)
I've already started looking into binding libjs.a with the repr tree, and have already created makefiles for building libjs.a on Linux and win32.

Bob Jamison wrote:
True. But -please- don't forget DOM scripting, also. That is the one feature that is in the SVG spec that I was hoping for, and the main reason I started contributing. ;-)
Yup. DOM. Good Stuff.
I'm getting up to speed on it in general now. Also taking a look at Rhino, so I assume that's SpiderMonkey you're talking about?
I've already started looking into binding libjs.a with the repr tree, and have already created makefiles for building libjs.a on Linux and win32.
Now, remember to get the finks involved. :-)
OS X is your friend.

I've already started looking into binding libjs.a with the repr tree, and have already created makefiles for building libjs.a on Linux and win32.
FWIW, I'd really prefer DOM as a separate (C++) layer on top of SPRepr at the moment (the DOM APIs were designed to make this relatively easy, I think..), rather than implementing DOM using SPRepr directly.
This is partly because SPRepr itself does some things that are very DOM-incompatible, and partly because I haven't finished cleaning up the mess from the old (very incomplete) DOM implementation that parts of the code still use.

On Thu, 05 Feb 2004 22:50:47 -0500 MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> mused:
We should probably look at how much we can/want to interoperate with OpenOffice too.
I'm working more or less on something similar for inkview. For now, inkview will be able to read a jar file with a slideshow sequence file in it. I'll start with a simple plain text file with the order of files in it (XML later on). This way windows users in particular can have more flexibility for their slideshows. I might be able to intergrate some simple sequence file editor in inkview too. There is some code for this already in CVS in the form of libinkjar. In the long term we could use this lib for having references to bitmap files in the jar file etc.
I'm not too familiar with openoffice file formats, but would we need to define our own format for this ? Is there maybe some gnome work underway for this in the form of a lib (I still need to look at libgsf) ?
SMIL would just be a part of all this, but for now I won't be bothering with it too much unless it's a very small subset of SMIL. Is there a lib for it perhaps ?
I'd like to hear some more comments about this.

On 6 Feb 2004, Johan Ceuppens wrote:
On Thu, 05 Feb 2004 22:50:47 -0500 MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> mused:
We should probably look at how much we can/want to interoperate with OpenOffice too.
I'm working more or less on something similar for inkview. For now, inkview will be able to read a jar file with a slideshow sequence file in it. I'll start with a simple plain text file with the order of files in it (XML later on). This way windows users in particular can have more flexibility for their slideshows. I might be able to intergrate some simple sequence file editor in inkview too. There is some code for this already in CVS in the form of libinkjar. In the long term we could use this lib for having references to bitmap files in the jar file etc.
Sounds like a good approach, and something that'd be fairly easy to build on later as needed.
I'm not too familiar with openoffice file formats, but would we need to define our own format for this ? Is there maybe some gnome work underway for this in the form of a lib (I still need to look at libgsf) ?
OOo documents are a set of XML and other files in a compressed archive, exactly like we're talking about. There might be a spec around describing how these are assembled. GNOME may also have some libs for managing compound documents. As mentioned, the JAR format is also documented. Whether these approaches would suit our needs would take some further investigation.
I think it would be highly beneficial if we could adopt an existing standard for assembling our packaged file, as it potentially could potentially increase the likelihood of interoperability with other apps, or at least be one thing less we'd have to document and maintain. ;-)

On Thu, 05 Feb 2004 22:50:47 -0500 MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> uttered:
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 13:53, Alan Horkan wrote:
Sounds like you should look at SMIL!
SMIL is certainly the right tool in the long run.
SVG includes a subset of SMIL for animation purposes; most of the discussion about animation has been about implementing that portion of the specification.
Also I'm not sure if they are more than just defacto standards but there is already SVGZ (Gzip Compressed SVG) and the openoffice file formats use Zip compressed XML so I'd be extremely surprised if there wasn't some packaged and Compressed version of SMIL.
(for what it's worth zip = jar)
We should probably look at how much we can/want to interoperate with OpenOffice too.
If Inkscape does as previously discussed move to using libgsf working from a collection of archived xml files shouldn't be too difficult.
Inkview can now accept .jar/.sxw files on the command line, if an archived file is an SVG, it supplies it for viewing. As this is just a hack now, I'll abstract the IO layer using libgsf. This layer can then be used by modules later on for transparent loading/saving/archive listing in modules for example.
Also, I've put up a wishlist/idea page for inkview here: http://inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?InkviewWishlist

Yes, I agree with ahorkana, that this type of playlist is best dealt with using SMIL, which is included in the svg spec and is a very simple way of dealing with synchronization...
On Mon, 2004-02-02 at 17:15, Johan Ceuppens wrote:
On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 15:06:03 -0800 Jonathan Phillips <jon@...15...> stated:
I just had this thought on the way back from Korean class.
Why not have in addition to the fullscreen mode, a presentation mode, where one can get out of it with the ESCAPE key, without any toolbars, scrollbars, etc. Only the canvas.
There is some code for this in CVS. After a talk with Bryce and Mental, I'll try to get a slideshow feature in inkview for the upcoming release (if time permits). There is an inkview_slideshow branch in CVS. Everyone who would like to join in is welcome.
I'd try to keep it simple and would aim for a 'inkview --slideshow somewhere/*.svg' command as pjrm suggested. After the program launches you would just have a shortcut or two for moving through the slides. The inkview program has a fullscreen option already (F11 and shift-F11). XML slideshow files would be something which would get done in 0.38 or later.
PS: I'll work on a configurable GUI, as mentioned in a previous mail, for the next release.

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004, bulia byak wrote:
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 04:16:50 +0000 From: bulia byak <archiver_1@...19...> To: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Cc: jceuppen@...180... Subject: [Inkscape-devel] fullscreen
My comments:
- the sp_fullscreen function should be perhaps in desktop.cpp, not in
- the planned shortcut for fullscreen is F11 - I don't think f is a good
idea, it's easy to press it accidentally
I cant say I've ever hit F11 by accident but granted I've not used a program like Inkscape that makes large use of the Function keys.
I would point out that Fullscreen is a perfectly safe operation and although it might be slightly annoying it is not in any way dangerous.
It is something of a standard.
Both Mozilla and Internet Explorer, two of the most used pieces of sofware on the planet use it (defacto standard but still a standard) and it is what the HIG recommends.
You have already stated that you hope to use the other potential keybinding Ctrl+F for find at some future point. (I usually recommend we avoid single letter keybindings but you could use the 'F' key but it is right in the middle of the keyboard and you would be even more likely that you will hit it by accident).
I'd like to have F11 as the shortcut but I will say that we cannot have a shortcut for everything and even if you could you probably wouldn't want to because of the risk of accidentally hitting the wrong combination. Fullscreen might be something you could reasonably leave without a shorcut.
Alan Horkan http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/
PS F11 was probably chosen because it looks a bit like 'Full', not that I'm ever likely to be able to verify this theory.

Alan Horkan wrote:
On Sat, 31 Jan 2004, bulia byak wrote:
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 04:16:50 +0000 From: bulia byak <archiver_1@...19...> To: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Cc: jceuppen@...180... Subject: [Inkscape-devel] fullscreen
My comments:
- the sp_fullscreen function should be perhaps in desktop.cpp, not in
- the planned shortcut for fullscreen is F11 - I don't think f is a good
idea, it's easy to press it accidentally
I cant say I've ever hit F11 by accident but granted I've not used a program like Inkscape that makes large use of the Function keys.
F11 and F12 are reserved on linux/ppc for emulating second and third mouse buttons for use with the trackpad.

On Sun, 1 Feb 2004, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 20:21:38 -0800 From: Jon A. Cruz <jon@...18...> To: Inkscape ML inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] fullscreen
Nathan Hurst wrote:
F11 and F12 are reserved on linux/ppc for emulating second and third mouse buttons for use with the trackpad.
And F11 is used for showing the desktop by Exposé in OS X.
I've read a bug report (or knowledge base article type thing) explaining that it doesn't always work properly but I forget if it was Adobe or Microsoft Internet Explorer that was stealing the shortcut
-- Alan

On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 10:41, Alan Horkan wrote:
I've read a bug report (or knowledge base article type thing) explaining that it doesn't always work properly but I forget if it was Adobe or Microsoft Internet Explorer that was stealing the shortcut
We should probably capture this F11 thing somewhere appropriate on the Wiki if we've not done so. Any suggestions?
participants (10)
Alan Horkan
Bob Jamison
Bryce Harrington
bulia byak
Emanuele Aina
Johan Ceuppens
Jon A. Cruz
Jonathan Phillips
Nathan Hurst