I finally got time to test a few things about Inkscape.app building on OS X to enable languages other than English. The secret turns out that the Resources folder inside just needs an empty folder with the name of the local and ".lproj" added. For example, to add Spanish it just needs "Spanish.lproj" to be added as an empty directory. And adding an empty "sv.jproj" folder enables Swedish (as "Svenska" in the OS X International control panel).
I've attached a simple hack to osx-app.sh for testing. If anyone who's successfully built an Inkscape.app for OSX could test this, that would be a big help. thanks.
It's on bug 242105

On 24/06/2008, at 6:30 PM, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
I finally got time to test a few things about Inkscape.app building on OS X to enable languages other than English. The secret turns out that the Resources folder inside just needs an empty folder with the name of the local and ".lproj" added. For example, to add Spanish it just needs "Spanish.lproj" to be added as an empty directory. And adding an empty "sv.jproj" folder enables Swedish (as "Svenska" in the OS X International control panel).
I've attached a simple hack to osx-app.sh for testing. If anyone who's successfully built an Inkscape.app for OSX could test this, that would be a big help. thanks.
It's on bug 242105 https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/242105
I'm a good person to test this for you except that I don't understand the problem at all... (And I can't read the bug report since it is in Spanish and doesn't translate well with Babel Fish.)
The official Inkscape.app releases already obey the OS X language settings---they look up the system language and then use Inkscape's standard localisation mechanism by setting the LANG variable.
The app launcher (the little piece of code that checks for and starts X11.app, warns the user about fontconfig delays on the initial launch, etc) is not localised. It only uses half a dozen strings, so it would probably be fairly easy localised, but this has escaped attention until now, since it would require using the OS X localisation mechanism.
What exactly is this bug report about, and what is the patch supposed to do exactly?
Cheers, Michael

On Jun 24, 2008, at 3:48 AM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
The official Inkscape.app releases already obey the OS X language settings---they look up the system language and then use Inkscape's standard localisation mechanism by setting the LANG variable.
The app launcher (the little piece of code that checks for and starts X11.app, warns the user about fontconfig delays on the initial launch, etc) is not localised. It only uses half a dozen strings, so it would probably be fairly easy localised, but this has escaped attention until now, since it would require using the OS X localisation mechanism.
Well, it has not been working for me here on OS X 10.4
It always comes up as English. Then I added the empty folders and I started getting it to come up in different languages.

On 25/06/2008, at 2:37 AM, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Jun 24, 2008, at 3:48 AM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
The official Inkscape.app releases already obey the OS X language settings---they look up the system language and then use Inkscape's standard localisation mechanism by setting the LANG variable.
Well, it has not been working for me here on OS X 10.4
It always comes up as English. Then I added the empty folders and I started getting it to come up in different languages.
Oh, right. In that case I will take a look at what is going on there tomorrow, when I have access to a 10.4 machine.
Thanks, Michael

On 25/06/2008, at 11:12 AM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
On 25/06/2008, at 2:37 AM, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Jun 24, 2008, at 3:48 AM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
The official Inkscape.app releases already obey the OS X language settings---they look up the system language and then use Inkscape's standard localisation mechanism by setting the LANG variable.
Well, it has not been working for me here on OS X 10.4
It always comes up as English. Then I added the empty folders and I started getting it to come up in different languages.
Oh, right. In that case I will take a look at what is going on there tomorrow, when I have access to a 10.4 machine.
So, Inkscape-0.46-3-TIGER-UNIVERSAL.dmg on my 10.4 machine obeys the language settings from the OS X System Preferences. Not sure why this won't work for you.
Jon, could you please run the following command (used by Inkscape on OS X to set the LANG variable) and report the results for the languages you are trying:
export LANG="`grep "`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder \ 2>&1`_" /usr/share/locale/locale.alias | tail -n1 | sed 's/ ./ /' | \ awk '{print $2}'`.UTF-8" echo $LANG
If you have your language set to spanish you should get LANG="es_ES.UTF-8", or LANG="fr_FR.UTF-8" for french, etc.
Could you also show the results of just running "defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder"
Thanks, Michael

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Michael Wybrow <michael.wybrow@...38...> wrote:
On 25/06/2008, at 11:12 AM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
On 25/06/2008, at 2:37 AM, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Jun 24, 2008, at 3:48 AM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
The official Inkscape.app releases already obey the OS X language settings---they look up the system language and then use Inkscape's standard localisation mechanism by setting the LANG variable.
Well, it has not been working for me here on OS X 10.4 It always comes up as English. Then I added the empty folders and I started getting it to come up in different languages.
Oh, right. In that case I will take a look at what is going on there tomorrow, when I have access to a 10.4 machine.
So, Inkscape-0.46-3-TIGER-UNIVERSAL.dmg on my 10.4 machine obeys the language settings from the OS X System Preferences. Not sure why this won't work for you. Jon, could you please run the following command (used by Inkscape on OS X to set the LANG variable) and report the results for the languages you are trying:
export LANG="`grep "`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder \ 2>&1`_" /usr/share/locale/locale.alias | tail -n1 | sed 's/./ /' | \ awk '{print $2}'`.UTF-8" echo $LANG
If you have your language set to spanish you should get LANG="es_ES.UTF-8", or LANG="fr_FR.UTF-8" for french, etc. Could you also show the results of just running "defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder"
It has always worked for me too, on 10.4 and 10.5. There were similar bug reports, for French particularly, on a french forum, but I ended up marking them as invalid since they worked for me and no one answered my request for details on those.
Hope you can track the problem better this time.

On Jun 27, 2008, at 12:08 AM, jiho wrote:
It has always worked for me too, on 10.4 and 10.5. There were similar bug reports, for French particularly, on a french forum, but I ended up marking them as invalid since they worked for me and no one answered my request for details on those.
Hope you can track the problem better this time.
yes. it will be good to track. At least now I finally managed to see something other than English.
Now... one other thing I see is that when I right-click on the modified .app and do "Get Info", there are entries under the "Languages:" drop down that correspond 1:1 with the blank folders I've created.
If I uncheck one of those listed languages, inside of the Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources folder the corresponding .lproj file gets moved from "Resources" to "Resources Disabled". And re-checking them moves them back.

On Jun 26, 2008, at 3:22 PM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
So, Inkscape-0.46-3-TIGER-UNIVERSAL.dmg on my 10.4 machine obeys the language settings from the OS X System Preferences. Not sure why this won't work for you.
Jon, could you please run the following command (used by Inkscape on OS X to set the LANG variable) and report the results for the languages you are trying:
export LANG="`grep "`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder \ 2>&1`_" /usr/share/locale/locale.alias | tail -n1 | sed 's/./ /' | \ awk '{print $2}'`.UTF-8" echo $LANG
If you have your language set to spanish you should get LANG="es_ES.UTF-8", or LANG="fr_FR.UTF-8" for french, etc.
Could you also show the results of just running "defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder"
In a terminal in X11, I get this for my default (English) setup
When I set some other language in that control panel, it shows up. For Spanish I get
Oh no!!!!
It looks like something got unblocked on my system. Hmmm.... tricky. Might be a profile-specific thing... and if it truly is one of those that gets unblocked and says unblocked, then someone can only ever test it once but all newbies may see it.
participants (3)
Jon A. Cruz
Michael Wybrow