Tasks for 0.43 Hard Freeze Phase --------------------------------
Here are the things we've identified as needing to be done prior to the Hard Freeze. Let me know of the status on these items as we go forward, and I'll keep the list updated and try to repost it daily.
Let me know either if you've completed the task, or are working on it and plan to ensure it's completed for the release.
1. Ensure libraries do not crash on win98 [rswt]
1289800 - SuSE 10.0.RC1: Crash on Align
2. Integrate Ted's patches for menu.xml
3. Enable python on windows
4. Create Static RPMS
5. Create screenshots for each of the new features
a. pressure-calligraphic [Popolon]
b. connector tool
- (DONE) Create screenshots [Alexandre] http://lrn.ru/~avp/images/connector1.png http://lrn.ru/~avp/images/connector2.png
- Add them to the website
c. whiteboard
- (DONE) Create screenshots [yipdw] http://www.rose-hulman.edu/~yipdw/inkboard/inkboard-screenshot-1.png http://www.rose-hulman.edu/~yipdw/inkboard/inkboard-demo-2.mp4 http://www.rose-hulman.edu/~yipdw/inkboard/inkboard-demo-2.avi
- Add them to the website
6. (DONE) Integrate mental's memory leak patch. [bryce] - On mailing list see 'theoretical memory leak' post
7. Update calligraphy tutorial to cover the new pressure sensitivity stuff.
8. [ 1245838 ] Win32: Problem building Inkscape 0.4
9. Integrate Spanish po translation file https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1303320&gr...

On Sunday 25 September 2005 09:41, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Create Static RPMS
I'm having a go at it right now, by following the wiki instructions. I'll notify the list if anything goes wrong. If it all goes smoothly, it should be done this Sunday.

- Integrate Spanish po translation file
Integrate French po update,
I'll post an updated fr.po file beginning of this week.
participants (3)
Bryce Harrington
Jean-Francois Lemaire