Inkscape Website Progress...

Hello, here's an update on the website. We have made some nice progress and it is defiantly coming along. It's going to be launched in phases. Phase #1 will be the main site with all the content and Phase 2 will consist of various things for the user allowing them to be able to post their own tutorials and plugins etc. However in order to do that we need help! We need the following:
1. content writers to go through the site and improve on the existing write ups. 1. Additional old news needs to be ported over. We ported over all of 2010 and 2011 but we need all news ported over 2. Django developers to finish up the last few features
After all that 3. we need translators to translate the various parts of the website You can follow the project here: Also the site is visible at please feel free to drop by on and join #inkscape-web Thanks, Ian Caldwell

How much of is testable? I am especially concerned because Login does not seem to use httpS: and includes the password in clear text as part of the constructed URL.
By the way, there is a difference between being defiant and definite about how well it is coming along.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Ian Caldwell - inchosting@...400... wrote:
Hello, here's an update on the website. We have made some nice progress and it is defiantly coming along. It's going to be launched in phases. Phase #1 will be the main site with all the content and Phase 2 will consist of various things for the user allowing them to be able to post their own tutorials and plugins etc. However in order to do that we need help! We need the following:
content writers to go through the site and improve on the existing write ups.
Additional old news needs to be ported over. We ported over all of 2010 and 2011 but we need all news ported over
Django developers to finish up the last few features
After all that 3. we need translators to translate the various parts of the website You can follow the project here: Also the site is visible at please feel free to drop by on and join #inkscape-web Thanks, Ian Caldwell
What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative solutions. _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list

It's not really for testing it's strictly for viewing the pages working on content etc. The user account and login system etc has not been implemented yet. It will be implemented... just not yet If you'd like to help it's one of the things on the todo list that we'd love to have help on. As for the last comment I'm not sure what you mean... Thanks, Ian
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 10:17 AM, < inkscape-devel.neophyte_rep@...2295...> wrote:
How much of is testable? I am especially concerned because Login does not seem to use httpS: and includes the password in clear text as part of the constructed URL.
By the way, there is a difference between being defiant and definite about how well it is coming along.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Ian Caldwell - inchosting@...400... wrote:
Hello, here's an update on the website. We have made some nice progress and it is defiantly coming along. It's going to be launched in phases. Phase #1 will be the main site with all the content and Phase 2 will consist of various things for the user allowing them to be able to post their own tutorials and plugins etc. However in order to do that we need help! We need the following:
content writers to go through the site and improve on the existing write ups.
Additional old news needs to be ported over. We ported over all of 2010
2011 but we need all news ported over
Django developers to finish up the last few features
After all that 3. we need translators to translate the various parts of the
You can follow the project here:
Also the site is visible at please feel free to
by on and join #inkscape-web Thanks, Ian Caldwell
What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative solutions. _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list
What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative solutions. _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list

In the first phase user login won't be being implemented and that login dropdown will be being removed. In the second or third phase (depending on the precise ordering that I get to things) there will start to be things that can be done when logged in, and so user accounts will be set up. What is in that box at the moment was purely prototypical; the actual django auth apps to be used are not set up. When we get to that step it will be very straightforward (just installing one app, tweaking the main template a bit and adding one more), but there didn't seem to me to be any point in setting up the database yet when nothing uses it.
By the way, there is a difference between being defiant and definite
Oh goody, I'm glad others care about spelling and grammar :-)
*Ian Caldwell:*
content writers to go through the site and improve on the existing write ups.
This is the most important part. There's a significant quantity of new content needed for the website which just hasn't existed before. I think the main thing we need is just lots of basic content which can be refined later. Most of the pages aren't created yet; some have been designed but don't have all their content yet.
About > Overview: we'll need the video, but the content's about done About > Features: need some more content About > FAQ: ignore what's on this page at present; it's just a port of the content from the wiki. We want more useful stuff here. About > Testimonials: need some testimonials! Even as simple as - "Uh, Inkscape is incredibly cool." Community > Get Involved: approximately done, I think, and ready for translation Learn > Books: done and ready for translation
Additional old news needs to be ported over. We ported over all of 2010 and
2011 but we need all news ported over
This includes the non-English news. The news format I've adopted is fairly easy to follow; reStructuredText with HTTP-request-like headers at the top for title, author, date and category. Look in the news directory to see how it's used. The translation status news items with tables are going to be the most complex, I'll put in one of them to show how I think it should be done.
Alexandre Prokoudine: I've put some categorisation in, please override my quick categorisation where you want to.
Django developers to finish up the last few features
I don't think this is absolutely necessary; I've got it all approximately in hand.
After all that we need translators to translate the various parts of the
There are some parts which can already be translated, especially the contents of the .po files (which I need to update). Content translation will of necessity need to happen after the content is finished.
All up, the project *is* going well and is almost ready for initial deployment after some more optimisations, testing (functionality and stress), a couple more features in news - and content. Please help with content!
-- Chris

Chris Morgan wrote:
This is the most important part. There's a significant quantity of new content needed for the website which just hasn't existed before. I think the main thing we need is just lots of basic content which can be refined later. Most of the pages aren't created yet; some have been designed but don't have all their content yet.
Agreed completely. As I said on the user list, much of the text on the brand new pages was written by me for the mockups (I'm a terrible copywriter, so there's unfinished Lorem Ipsum and blah blah stuff), and much of the other stuff was brought straight over from the current site - some serious tidying is in order, and will help speed things up significantly.
About > Overview: we'll need the video, but the content's about done
Sent out another request on the user list for screen bites yet. Maybe if someone posted to Deviant Art? Or twitter? Or facebook or flickr or any of those other social websites I don't use... We need the stuff mentioned in this doc:
About > Features: need some more content About > FAQ: ignore what's on this page at present; it's just a port of the content from the wiki. We want more useful stuff here.
What we need are actual Frequently Asked Questions - what questions plague the lists/IRC/forums/etc? A FAQ section is of little use if it doesn't contain stuff people are always wondering about...
About > Testimonials: need some testimonials! Even as simple as - "Uh, Inkscape is incredibly cool." Community > Get Involved: approximately done, I think, and ready for translation
The Get Involved page needs finishing - I didn't have a clue what to write in the "Test & report bugs" and "Code & develop" boxes. The text in the "Translate" box is a bit dodgy too...
All up, the project is going well and is almost ready for initial deployment after some more optimisations, testing (functionality and stress), a couple more features in news - and content. Please help with content!
Yes, please anyone who is willing to create, edit, refine, or translate content, you are most welcome to join us!
Cheers, Hinerangi Courtenay (duckgoesoink)

On 8/3/11 23:10, Hinerangi Courtenay wrote:
On 8/3/11 22:47, Chris Morgan wrote:
About > FAQ: ignore what's on this page at present; it's just a port of the content from the wiki. We want more useful stuff here.
What we need are actual Frequently Asked Questions - what questions plague the lists/IRC/forums/etc? A FAQ section is of little use if it doesn't contain stuff people are always wondering about...
Somehow I can't get rid of the feeling, that the team developing the new site is still convinced that everything in the wiki is not useful, completely outdated or -I don't know- incompetent, unmaintained, never actually accessed and read by users, and needs to be abandoned or deleted.
I can tell you that in my answers to support questions (irc, forums, launchpad) there isn't a week without me providing a link to one of the FAQs currently answered in the wiki.
Yes, the FAQ has only seen few recent questions added and needs updating, but many of the topics there are still valid, including the answers provided, and are part of current frequently asked questions.
Possibly a section with links to externally written detailed FAQ articles - like recently provided by Alexandre Prokoudine and Ryan Lerch - could be added.

On Mar 10, 2011, at 10:19 AM, ~suv wrote:
Somehow I can't get rid of the feeling, that the team developing the new site is still convinced that everything in the wiki is not useful, completely outdated or -I don't know- incompetent, unmaintained, never actually accessed and read by users, and needs to be abandoned or deleted.
I can tell you that in my answers to support questions (irc, forums, launchpad) there isn't a week without me providing a link to one of the FAQs currently answered in the wiki.
Yes, the FAQ has only seen few recent questions added and needs updating, but many of the topics there are still valid, including the answers provided, and are part of current frequently asked questions.
Possibly a section with links to externally written detailed FAQ articles - like recently provided by Alexandre Prokoudine and Ryan Lerch
- could be added.
Sorry, wasn't trying to belittle anyone/anything, you guys are awesome and provide great support! (Every time I've had a question someone has been able to help me, either on forums or IRC.) My comments had nothing to do with content generally coming from the wiki. I just think that the FAQ is currently a little long and could be maybe use some tidying up or refinement... But hopefully some visual organization will help people get through it themselves and answer their own questions, thereby relieving the load on people providing support. If you're pointing people to it weekly, that suggests people aren't taking the time to read through it themselves...
For example in the section called "Using Inkscape" - do people actually ask how to rotate objects or change text colour? And the contributing FAQ can possibly be dropped seeing as there will be a dedicated web page for contributing to Inkscape, with links throughout the site to get there. Also, would the development topics be better in a separate developer section or just all kept together?
Cheers, Hinerangi Courtenay

On 10/3/11 10:46, Hinerangi Courtenay wrote:
I just think that the FAQ is currently a little long and could be maybe use some tidying up or refinement... But hopefully some visual organization will help people get through it themselves and answer their own questions, thereby relieving the load on people providing support.
Agreed. Also, quickly browsing through the long list I do realise that more answers than I was aware of need to be updated to reflect changes in later Inkscape versions (0.47, 0.48).
I'll see if I can come up with a list of - frequently asked questions currently not covered in the FAQ - answers in need to be updated to reflect the current status (Inkscape 0.47/0.48) - questions most often answered with a link to the FAQ
If you're pointing people to it weekly, that suggests people aren't taking the time to read through it themselves...
That's why they are frequently asked questions in the first place ;) (and it's ok, as long as we can answer them with a link).
For example in the section called "Using Inkscape" - do people actually ask how to rotate objects or change text colour?
Sometimes, yes, they do ;) But honestly these types of questions I usually answer myself, or provide a link to a section in Tav's manual.
And the contributing FAQ can possibly be dropped seeing as there will be a dedicated web page for contributing to Inkscape, with links throughout the site to get there. Also, would the development topics be better in a separate developer section or just all kept together?
Don't know - do you propose that each 'section' of the web site (Learn, Community, Developers) gets its own FAQ, and the link under 'About' will be removed?

On Mar 10, 2011, at 11:32 AM, ~suv wrote:
I'll see if I can come up with a list of
- frequently asked questions currently not covered in the FAQ
- answers in need to be updated to reflect the current status
(Inkscape 0.47/0.48)
- questions most often answered with a link to the FAQ
That would be fantastic.
For example in the section called "Using Inkscape" - do people actually ask how to rotate objects or change text colour?
Sometimes, yes, they do ;)'s no harder than in Open Office or Microsoft Word, which most people can manage...
And the contributing FAQ can possibly be dropped seeing as there will be a dedicated web page for contributing to Inkscape, with links throughout the site to get there. Also, would the development topics be better in a separate developer section or just all kept together?
Don't know - do you propose that each 'section' of the web site (Learn, Community, Developers) gets its own FAQ, and the link under 'About' will be removed?
I don't really know what I'm proposing. :-) I guess I'm just wondering if developers would logically look for FAQ related to development in the "About" section , or whether it would make more sense for them to find these in the "Developers" section... like a dedicated Developer's FAQ. If this was the case, we could put a link to the "Developer's FAQ" on the general FAQ page and vice-versa.
Cheers, Hinerangi Courtenay (duckgoesoink)

In regards to the FAQ. We're also looking to launch this on the new site in regards to support... and Questions and answers. Thanks. please visit us in #inkscape-web On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Hinerangi Courtenay <duckgoesoink@...400...
On Mar 10, 2011, at 11:32 AM, ~suv wrote:
I'll see if I can come up with a list of
- frequently asked questions currently not covered in the FAQ
- answers in need to be updated to reflect the current status
(Inkscape 0.47/0.48)
- questions most often answered with a link to the FAQ
That would be fantastic.
For example in the section called "Using Inkscape" - do people
actually ask how to rotate objects or change text colour?
Sometimes, yes, they do ;)'s no harder than in Open Office or Microsoft Word, which most people can manage...
And the contributing FAQ can possibly be dropped seeing as there will
be a dedicated web page for contributing to Inkscape, with links
throughout the site to get there. Also, would the development topics
be better in a separate developer section or just all kept together?
Don't know - do you propose that each 'section' of the web site (Learn, Community, Developers) gets its own FAQ, and the link under 'About' will be removed?
I don't really know what I'm proposing. :-) I guess I'm just wondering if developers would logically look for FAQ related to development in the "About" section , or whether it would make more sense for them to find these in the "Developers" section... like a dedicated Developer's FAQ. If this was the case, we could put a link to the "Developer's FAQ" on the general FAQ page and vice-versa.
Cheers, Hinerangi Courtenay (duckgoesoink)
Colocation vs. Managed Hosting A question and answer guide to determining the best fit for your organization - today and in the future. _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list

hi all,
About Q&A,
Ifyou want to use a free service in the cloud, there is:
its possibile configure dns, example:
I share the password or set new administrators.
Another proposal for the new site is mapping via GIS
example or proposal service in the cloud:
too is possibile configure dns:
Ushahidi is open souce, I believe it is possible to incorporate only the map on the layout.
Citando Ian Caldwell <inchosting@...400...>:
In regards to the FAQ. We're also looking to launch this on the new site in regards to support... and Questions and answers. Thanks. please visit us in #inkscape-web On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Hinerangi Courtenay <duckgoesoink@...2179......
On Mar 10, 2011, at 11:32 AM, ~suv wrote:
I'll see if I can come up with a list of
- frequently asked questions currently not covered in the FAQ
- answers in need to be updated to reflect the current status
(Inkscape 0.47/0.48)
- questions most often answered with a link to the FAQ
That would be fantastic.
For example in the section called "Using Inkscape" - do people
actually ask how to rotate objects or change text colour?
Sometimes, yes, they do ;)'s no harder than in Open Office or Microsoft Word, which most people can manage...
And the contributing FAQ can possibly be dropped seeing as there will
be a dedicated web page for contributing to Inkscape, with links
throughout the site to get there. Also, would the development topics
be better in a separate developer section or just all kept together?
Don't know - do you propose that each 'section' of the web site (Learn, Community, Developers) gets its own FAQ, and the link under 'About' will be removed?
I don't really know what I'm proposing. :-) I guess I'm just wondering if developers would logically look for FAQ related to development in the "About" section , or whether it would make more sense for them to find these in the "Developers" section... like a dedicated Developer's FAQ. If this was the case, we could put a link to the "Developer's FAQ" on the general FAQ page and vice-versa.
Cheers, Hinerangi Courtenay (duckgoesoink)
Colocation vs. Managed Hosting A question and answer guide to determining the best fit for your organization - today and in the future. _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list

About Q&A,
We've got it sorted out already; we'll be using OSQA Then it can be tied into the website properly, using e.g. the same authentication system as the rest of the site. We don't want an external site if we can do it locally.
Another proposal for the new site is mapping via GIS
Is it? I haven't heard any suggestions to this effect, nor do I think it serves any solid purpose at this stage. It could possibly be managed by users and if it gains traction be involved in some way in the website, but I don't feel it would be likely to get used much at all, and thus would involve considerable risk in investing time in it. Thus I think my answer is, feel free to try and get it popular - if you succeed (which I doubt), then we'll see about doing something with it more officially.
Of course, this isn't my decision to make as I'm not a core member of the Inkscape team, but as the website developer I think I get some say.
-- Chris

On 2011-03-10 21:43, Ian Caldwell wrote:
In regards to the FAQ. We're also looking to launch this on the new site in regards to support... and Questions and answers.
Any reason to prefer this over the system we already have in Launchpad (which seems to be operational)? I'm sure it's ten times better, but it seems like a shame to spend time on launching something we already have.

In regards to the FAQ. We're also looking to launch this on the new site in
regards to support... and Questions and answers.
Any reason to prefer this over the system we already have in Launchpad (which seems to be operational)?
I presume you are referring to; looking at that now it is more active than I had realised (I only knew vaguely about it, it's never been advertised as a method to get help), but I don't feel that it can be as useful as OSQA on our own site. What we're looking at doing is covering both that and (with the intent being of eclipsing it), but will be more useful, official, visible, promote more of a central community... and be more fun.
I'm sure it's ten times better, but it seems like a shame to spend time on launching something we already have.
I think we only partially have Launchpad Answers; how many use it or really know about it? It's quite obscure. And, while powerful, Launchpad is not the most friendly system to work with. If we have it integrated on our own "normal"-type site, I think we'll get more people using it and finding Inkscape support helpful than we would with the Launchpad Answers system, however we promoted it. Having everything in one place is a Very Good Thing.
Have I convinced you? Or not? Please let me know if you wish to. But I do very much think it's worth doing.
-- Chris

On Mar 11, 2011, at 1:10 PM, Chris Morgan wrote:
In regards to the FAQ. We're also looking to launch this on the new site in regards to support... and Questions and answers.
Any reason to prefer this over the system we already have in Launchpad (which seems to be operational)? I presume you are referring to; looking at that now it is more active than I had realised (I only knew vaguely about it, it's never been advertised as a method to get help), but I don't feel that it can be as useful as OSQA on our own site. What we're looking at doing is covering both that and (with the intent being of eclipsing it), but will be more useful, official, visible, promote more of a central community... and be more fun.
I just found out about it too, and I think it's great - it's active, lots of people asking and responding to questions, in multiple languages. It uses OpenID so it ties in nicely with the planned login for the main site.
I think it's worth considering keeping it, and promoting it more - we could have a landing page on the main site that explains it to people before sending them off on their way. I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to try replacing support systems that are already in place and active - that risks confusing (and pissing off) lots of people, the questions history is very useful, and there are language localizations to consider too (transfering over the entire history of questions in all languages, would be an absolute nightmare!). It could be better just to link everything up via the main site, i.e. promote them as the "official" support channels. This could also help people get used to the Launchpad system in order to participate in bug reporting and whatnot...
I'm sure it's ten times better, but it seems like a shame to spend time on launching something we already have. I think we only partially have Launchpad Answers; how many use it or really know about it? It's quite obscure. And, while powerful, Launchpad is not the most friendly system to work with. If we have it integrated on our own "normal"-type site, I think we'll get more people using it and finding Inkscape support helpful than we would with the Launchpad Answers system, however we promoted it. Having everything in one place is a Very Good Thing.
We can't keep everything in one place - that would require a lot of destruction IMO. What we can do is make everything easier to find and understand, and promote the various channels of the Inkscape community. By the nature of the internet everything is fractured and spread out over the place - there are forums, blogs, photo galleries, art communities, etc, all contributing to the "community". I really think hooking up the best of these via the main website will help much more than unnecessary rebuilding. Focus should be put on tidying and refining, making information easily available, easy to digest and easy to use.
Sorry to be such a bummer. Hinerangi Courtenay (duckgoesoink)

On 11/3/11 13:10, Chris Morgan wrote:
On 11/3/11 10:10, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
On 2011-03-10 21:43, Ian Caldwell wrote:
In regards to the FAQ. We're also looking to launch this on the new site in regards to support... and Questions and answers.
Any reason to prefer this over the system we already have in Launchpad (which seems to be operational)?
I presume you are referring to; looking at that now it is more active than I had realised (I only knew vaguely about it, it's never been advertised as a method to get help),
but I don't feel that it can be as useful as OSQA on our own site. What we're looking at doing is covering both that and (with the intent being of eclipsing it), but will be more useful, official, visible, promote more of a central community... and be more fun.
Please explain "eclipsing" the InkscapeForum.
I'm sure it's ten times better, but it seems like a shame to spend time on launching something we already have.
I think we only partially have Launchpad Answers; how many use it or really know about it? It's quite obscure.
It's a link in Inkscape's 'Help' menu: "Ask Us a Question".
Questions can be easily linked to or turned into bug reports (if indicated), and sometimes bug reports are turned into questions because they are actually questions about usage and not software bugs.
One disadvantage of Launchpad's current service: it doesn't allow attachments in the 'Answers' section.
(...) And, while powerful, Launchpad is not the most friendly system to work with. If we have it integrated on our own "normal"-type site, I think we'll get more people using it and finding Inkscape support helpful than we would with the Launchpad Answers system, however we promoted it. Having everything in one place is a Very Good Thing.
Have I convinced you? Or not? Please let me know if you wish to. But I do very much think it's worth doing.
I'm not fully convinced. I do have one wish though: if you 'eclipse' other support structures - please don't delete or partially migrate their content but keep them accessible with the current addresses so that older links don't fail (Wiki, InkscapeForum, Answers section at launchpad, ...) and archived articles can still be searched.
Also keep in mind that communities like the InkscapeForum do have 'regulars' which might be interested in getting asked, involved or informed about any plans ahead...

I wanted to add that I agree with ~suv. Answers is integrated to the rest of Launchpad services and that makes very easy converting questions into bugs and viceversa. Maybe it just needs more exposure.
but I don't feel that it can be as useful as OSQA on our own site. What we're looking at doing is covering both that and (with the intent being of eclipsing it), but will be more useful, official, visible, promote more of a central community... and be more fun.
Please explain "eclipsing" the InkscapeForum.
Yes, explain. AFAIK there is no official forum but that one is doing quite well.

De : Pajarico <pajarico@...400...> Yes, explain. AFAIK there is no official forum but that one is doing quite well.
Just found an old message microUgly sent to the list two years ago:
On 27/7/09 06:24, microUgly wrote:
If you don't know, I run relatively successful phpBB forum for Inkscape users.
I created the forum because I knew there was demand and at the time I knew I could devote a lot of time to make it successful. But I was never fond of the idea that a single person would have ownership of the data accumulated from the community.
I wanted to offer ownership of the forum to Ideally this only needs to go as far as knowing that if I were hit by a bus, someone could step in and take over. I don't know how things are ran on the site, but I would be offering the entire setup to be hosted by (if possible).
I would happily continue to moderate, and administer the board if appropriate access were given. And I would redirect to the new domain, or change it's name servers.
Anyway, discussion open. Would be interested in adopting the forum? The forum won't be shutdown regardless of the answer.
Regards, -- Nicolas

On 14/3/11 13:56, Nicolas Dufour wrote:
De : Pajarico <pajarico@...400...> Yes, explain. AFAIK there is no official forum but that one is doing quite well.
Just found an old message microUgly sent to the list two years ago:
On 27/7/09 06:24, microUgly wrote:
If you don't know, I run relatively successful phpBB forum for Inkscape users.
Same thread in mailing list archive at
... and there's a (somewhat related) topic in the forum, three months later:

I'd love to port over the Inkscapeforum to the new site. We just have to look at a few things in regards to it. #1 is there an easy migration route for migrating it over to a django bb or if there's a way to integrate with phpbb accounts as well via the site so we don't require ten different logins. We'll look into it, but don't expect it to be implimented till phase 2 or 3. Thanks, IAn
On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 7:06 AM, ~suv <suv-sf@...58...> wrote:
On 14/3/11 13:56, Nicolas Dufour wrote:
De : Pajarico <pajarico@...400...> Yes, explain. AFAIK there is no official forum but that one is doing
Just found an old message microUgly sent to the list two years ago:
On 27/7/09 06:24, microUgly wrote:
If you don't know, I run relatively successful
forum for Inkscape users.
Same thread in mailing list archive at
... and there's a (somewhat related) topic in the forum, three months later:
Colocation vs. Managed Hosting A question and answer guide to determining the best fit for your organization - today and in the future. _______________________________________________ Inkscape-devel mailing list

On 2011-03-11 13:10, Chris Morgan wrote:
I'm sure it's ten times better, but it seems like a shame to spend time on
launching something we already have.
I think we only partially have Launchpad Answers; how many use it or really know about it? It's quite obscure. And, while powerful, Launchpad is not the most friendly system to work with. If we have it integrated on our own "normal"-type site, I think we'll get more people using it and finding Inkscape support helpful than we would with the Launchpad Answers system, however we promoted it. Having everything in one place is a Very Good Thing.
Have I convinced you? Or not? Please let me know if you wish to. But I do very much think it's worth doing.
You might be getting there, but I'm not convinced just yet :) One problem I see is that currently Launchpad follows exactly your philosophy of having everything in the same place, so in a way breaking out this part to a different site would lead us astray. Currently there are a few things on Launchpad: - Code - Bugs/feature requests - Blueprints (generally grander ideas than a mere feature request) - Answers (Also, the idea is that there can be some integration/sharing between projects on Launchpad, but I'm not sure how often that is actually used.) Most of these are at least in some way integrated with each other (and are obviously accessible using a single account and through a single portal), offering more functionality than just the sum of the parts.
Now, if for some reason Code would be separated from the rest I think this could be acceptable (although there might be people who disagree), but separating the rest sounds like a bad idea to me. QA and "bugs" go hand in hand, where people asking questions might well become people filing bugs (and possibly even vice versa). Also, as you pointed out yourself, it has definite advantages to keep things in one place.
So, for me the question would then become: do you also plan on moving bugs and blueprints? And if you are planning on moving over bugs and blueprints, what exactly do we gain by doing this? (And what do we loose?) And if we must have these things (and can live without the things we loose), have we tried seeing them realized in Launchpad?
Another thing that might be useful to consider is that Launchpad has an API. So in principle we could try exposing certain things directly on the site in more or less fancy ways.

2011/3/8 Chris Morgan <chris.morganiser@...400...>:
About > Overview: we'll need the video, but the content's about done
Making a good quality video overview is not easy. I think a text+images overview will work just as well, at least for now.
About > FAQ: ignore what's on this page at present; it's just a port of the content from the wiki. We want more useful stuff here. About > Testimonials: need some testimonials! Even as simple as - "Uh, Inkscape is incredibly cool."
Instead of testimonials, we can rename this to "who's using Inkscape" and link to some good graphics on Wikimedia Commons, highlighting the fact that many SVG files there are made with Inkscape. There could also be a link to the dA group.
Regards, Krzysztof

Your original message contained "and it is defiantly coming along." Did you not mean "definitely coming along."?
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Ian Caldwell - inchosting@...400... wrote:
As for the last comment I'm not sure what you mean... Thanks, Ian
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 10:17 AM, <inkscape-devel.neophyte_rep@...2295...> wrote:
By the way, there is a difference between being defiant and definite about how well it is coming along.
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Ian Caldwell - inchosting@...400... wrote:
it is defiantly coming along.
Thanks, Ian Caldwell

El 08/03/11 16:59, Ian Caldwell escribió:
Hello, here's an update on the website. We have made some nice progress and it is defiantly coming along. It's going to be launched in phases. Phase #1 will be the main site with all the content and Phase 2 will consist of various things for the user allowing them to be able to post their own tutorials and plugins etc. However in order to do that we need help! We need the following:
- content writers to go through the site and improve on the existing write ups.
- Additional old news needs to be ported over. We ported over all of 2010 and 2011 but we need all news ported over
- Django developers to finish up the last few features
After all that 3. we need translators to translate the various parts of the website You can follow the project here: Also the site is visible at please feel free to drop by on and join #inkscape-web Thanks, Ian Caldwell
Great job! I like it!
Salu2 de jEsuSdA 8)

De : Ian Caldwell <inchosting@...400...>
- we need translators to translate the various parts of the website
Some questions regarding translations: . Lots of existing pages are already translated in the current website (tutorials, books, news...). Do you plan to port them as you did with English pages, or let translators work on it? . Some parts of the new website are translatable via po files (menus,etc.), others are in html (about, books) or rst (testimonials, news) formats. Should we translate html and rst files directly or do you plan to provide po files for the whole content? . The keys and mouse reference files called from Help>Keys and Mouse Reference are stored in the website ( for 0.48, keys047.html for 0.47, etc.), and thus the files should be in the same location on the new web site (or at least redirected). Note that the 0.49 reference is now translatable. We haven't decided were they should be stored and their writing convention yet. I first thought we could use, but with the new site, we could just use the form: (doc could also be replaced with a more appropriate directory). Comments are welcome.
I'd like to work on the French translation as soon as possible (I can also help to port other translated contents). Could you please add me to the inkscape-web admin list? Thanks! -- Nicolas (launchpad id: jazzynico)
participants (12)
Chris Morgan
Hinerangi Courtenay
Ian Caldwell
Jasper van de Gronde
jEsuSdA 8)
Krzysztof Kosiński
Martin Owens
Nicolas Dufour
Valessio S Brito