HELP WANTED: OSX packager for 0.39

Hi all,
We have not had Mac OSX packages to provide in the past, but we'd certainly like to! OSX is an important platform for artists, and it would make sense for Inkscape to have a good presence there, as it does on Windows and Linux.
Kees and others have verified that it builds and can be run on OSX, so the hardest part is done. The notes are available here:
What we need is someone who can create a package that other OSX users can easily download and install. This probably doesn't require any coding know-how, but does require someone knowledgeable of fink and in compiling under OSX.
If you're interested, please go ahead, and when you've got a working package, announce it here, and we'll add it to the Download area. :-)
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington