Inkscape mentioned in Linux Magazine
Inkscape is mentioned in Issue 47 of Linux Magazine (published in the UK, and has a sister publication in Germany).
It features a a roundup of various vector graphics applications titled "Line by Line". Gestalter, Inkscape, Karbon 14, Draw, Skencil (formerly known as Sketch), Sodipodi and Xfig are reviewed.
Paraphrase/summary of the section on Inkscape, my comments in [brackets], direct literal quotes are in inverted commas.
Inkscape is new. Inkscape unashamedly borrows ideas from other projects. "Some dialogs have been taken directly from Sodipodi" [author seems to have missed that Inkscape started as a fork of Sodipodi]
Installation considered complicated, needs gtkmm and libsigc. "Neatly organized main window"
Uses SVG, can read many formats (AI, Postscript, Skencil,...) [author doesn't realise this trick is achieved by using Skencil]
Seperate window for each drawing ... "meaning the tools are accessible at all times".
Fully featured drawing tools, usual primitives also has starts, spirals. Calligraphic lines also supported.
Notes the help files and tutorials are in SVG allowing you to experiment with them. [clearly this is an idea that reviewers appreciate]
Author has issues with the Grid, complained the snap to grid option did not work (also complained about it in Sodipodi). Eventually mentions that he is using inkscape 0.39, and says despite the version number Inkscape is very stable.
Positive information from the other reviews I think is worth noting and might be learned from if we want to get better reviews. multipage support. karbon 14 supports WMF Draw PDF export
Conclusion section of the roundup says roughly, best, most features. After that Skencil, then after that again "Inkscape is probably the best of the rest and has developed into a clear-cut, but powerful illustration tool in a very short time. This is obviously the one to keep an eye on for the future".
Alan Horkan Inkscape, Draw Freely Free SVG Clip Art
participants (1)
Alan Horkan