Joshua wrote:
Good day, Jon, Alan and Peter.
Attached to this e-mail is just a simple little mock up of an idea for an alternate Inkscape interface.
Since most users like the current interface, there would, of course, be no need to change it. But when I read that, amazingly, future versions of Inkscape will incorporate SVG animation, (!) I thought the interface might need a little adjustment to incorporate future features (like the animation feature, filters, anything else that could be used to display the power of SVG).
I could be way off with this, but it's just an idea.
Thanks for the great work.
Great, I've forwarded ths onto the Inkscape mailing list. I think the draggable toolbars that can be repositioned is a good idea.
We do need to come up with a scheme for re-attachable menus, and your mockup is a step in the right direction. Please attach your email and screenshot to the RFE related to this:
Jon Phillips
1528 Alice St. Apt. #4 Oakland, CA, USA 94612-5004
USA PH 510.499.0894 jon@...235... http://www.rejon.org
Inkscape (http://inkscape.org) Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org) CVS Book (http://cvsbook.ucsd.edu) Scale Journal (http://scale.ucsd.edu)

On Sat, 1 Jan 2005, Jon Phillips wrote:
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2005 11:21:29 -0800 From: Jon Phillips <jon@...235...> To: jwar@...629... Cc: horkana@...44..., Peter.Moulder@...38..., inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: [Inkscape-devel] Re: Inkscape interface
Joshua wrote:
Good day, Jon, Alan and Peter.
Please do try and use the mailing lists, everyone is welcome to make suggestions, no need to be shy.
Attached to this e-mail is just a simple little mock up of an idea for an alternate Inkscape interface.
Links to web pages are usually preferable (but maybe that is just me) in case anyone else is interested I've put the mockup here: http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~horkana/Inkscape-mockup-inteface.png
Since most users like the current interface, there would, of course, be no need to change it.
The developers have made it clear that they are willing to try out new ideas and be flexible if shown a better way of doing things. Change is inevitable (progress is not).
But when I read that, amazingly, future versions of Inkscape will incorporate SVG animation, (!) I thought the interface might need a little adjustment to incorporate future features (like the animation feature, filters, anything else that could be used to display the power of SVG).
I expect animations would need a great big palette to show timelines and suchlike rather than simply a toolbar, it might even be wise to seperate out such functionality into a seperate application possibly by building on InkView.
I really like how Jasc Paint Shop Pro has an Effects browser, combined with a search tool (like in the gimp pdb browser) it would be an excellent way to show off all the available features/effects.
I could be way off with this, but it's just an idea.
No harm in making suggestions.
Great, I've forwarded ths onto the Inkscape mailing list. I think the draggable toolbars that can be repositioned is a good idea.
Good idea. Definately a good idea.
Unfortunately not a good idea for Inkscape.
Most of this needs to be dealt with at the GTK level by providing improvements to the toolbar and menu docking system. The relevant bug report against GTK is a real pain to find (I'd post it if I could remember it) but there are already requests for the kind of functionality that would be needed to allow you to put a toolbar in the same line with the menbar.
Sorry to be so pessimistic, good idea though.
- Alan H.

On Sun, 2 Jan 2005, Alan Horkan wrote:
Great, I've forwarded ths onto the Inkscape mailing list. I think the draggable toolbars that can be repositioned is a good idea.
Good idea. Definately a good idea.
Unfortunately not a good idea for Inkscape.
Most of this needs to be dealt with at the GTK level by providing improvements to the toolbar and menu docking system. The relevant bug
Jizzbug and I have been working on redoing the toolbar and menu system, and dockability is definitely on the todo list. I think this proposal is theoretically doable with the new code. I think it's a good suggestion for Inkscape. We should strive to make the new interface flexible enough to do something like this.

On Sat, 1 Jan 2005, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2005 18:47:55 -0800 (PST) From: Bryce Harrington <bryce@...260...> To: Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...> Cc: Jon Phillips <jon@...235...>, jwar@...629..., Peter.Moulder@...38..., inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Re: Inkscape interface
On Sun, 2 Jan 2005, Alan Horkan wrote:
Great, I've forwarded ths onto the Inkscape mailing list. I think the draggable toolbars that can be repositioned is a good idea.
Good idea. Definately a good idea.
Unfortunately not a good idea for Inkscape.
Most of this needs to be dealt with at the GTK level by providing improvements to the toolbar and menu docking system. The relevant bug
Jizzbug and I have been working on redoing the toolbar and menu system, and dockability is definitely on the todo list. I think this proposal is theoretically doable with the new code. I think it's a good suggestion for Inkscape. We should strive to make the new interface flexible enough to do something like this.
Can you push any of your work up/down? stream to GTK??? A lot of this kind of functionality got written for Bonobo once already but still hasn't made it into GTK yet, and it seems a shame to see it written once more and yet again but it is your choice of course.
- Alan H.

On Sun, 2 Jan 2005, Alan Horkan wrote:
Jizzbug and I have been working on redoing the toolbar and menu system, and dockability is definitely on the todo list. I think this proposal is theoretically doable with the new code. I think it's a good suggestion for Inkscape. We should strive to make the new interface flexible enough to do something like this.
Can you push any of your work up/down? stream to GTK??? A lot of this kind of functionality got written for Bonobo once already but still hasn't made it into GTK yet, and it seems a shame to see it written once more and yet again but it is your choice of course.
The things we've been working on have been pretty specific to Inkscape so not the sort of thing that would be pushed upstream. We have done a few 'compound' widgets, and some stuff with dialog management that might be general enough for reuse in other apps, but it's still not mature and the style/feel may be pretty different than most people need.
The toolbar/menu/dockability work mentioned above is for _applying_ the existing Gtk functionality to our needs, not on improving it within Gtk.

Hi guys
Functionality needs to be grouped in my opinion, as is right now. Not one click but two clicks, to keep a clean interface. Still I think this discussion has to be brought up someday. Personally I very much like the concept that Adobe InDesign CS uses. It's really neat, but most of it would be introducing new gtk widgets and new functionalities to metacity.
Take care

On Sat, 01 Jan 2005 11:21:29 -0800, Jon Phillips <jon@...235...> wrote:
Great, I've forwarded ths onto the Inkscape mailing list. I think the draggable toolbars that can be repositioned is a good idea.
Dont get me wrong, but I remember it in Sodipodi 1,5 year ago :) Dockability is the right thing however. From my observations instruments palette in other applications is most of the time floating, and Layers, Gradients etc.-- docked.
participants (5)
Alan Horkan
Alexandre Prokoudine
Bryce Harrington
David Christian Berg
Jon Phillips