Le Wednesday 30 July 2008 11:22:12 adam hyde, vous avez écrit :
okeee.... http://translate.flossmanuals.net/write
wonderful! many thanks!
Is set up with three ready to go translations of Inkscape_en: de, br, ru
I have left the rest because we need to train someone to do this and its best we do this with something real.
This is the FM translation zone and it will change a bit in look and feel to differentiate it from FM in general. In essence it is a temp zone, the idea that we want complete FM lang communities, so if we use this for translations and build up a lot in any one lang we will then start discussing a full FM install for that lang
ok...it is doubtless that we will need to tweak the FM translation zone. I dont know how br,ru, or de char sets work in the editor...thats the first thing to check...also I need to find a god way to be able change the lang of the editor etc
so, patience is a wonderful virtue :) if u find something kookie let me know and we can have a look quite quickly to see how to resolve it...
in the meantime my priorities are coffee and gym :)...back in a few hrs