I'm working on the new manuel with new TOC. It's still the begining but it's now on the svn.
(in the french branch, in a new folder).
Le Friday 14 December 2007 19:34:13 Joshua Facemyer / Impressus Art, vous avez écrit :
I've been holding off doing any real translating, hoping to have a suitable po file to use and to do work that won't be wasted when we move to a different structure.
I'm in no hurry to change the current structure (TOC) before the release
- just wanted to work on that sooner rather than later, with the hopes
of not wasting time transferring text, since it seemed like that was the direction things were moving.
I'd be happy to do some translating if we aren't going to actually do the move soon. In that case, is the French version in a suitable state that I could make a po file from it and start with that? I haven't really looked closely at svn recently - has the French been split yet? If not, will it be? If so, is it the current working document?
radar.map35@...6... wrote:
lo everyone, We have been quiet these last weeks, but now Inskcape is nearly to reach the next release. It would be nice if we've had documented new features are proof-read existing for changes.
I know we wanted to make some deep changes, but i think we won't haev time for now and keep that in mind for the next rel.
Would someone have time or wishes to read or add some parts, and eventually which one ?